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Bottled water contains high levels bacteria: study

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posted on May, 25 2010 @ 09:44 PM

Bottled water contains high levels bacteria: study

Environmentalists have been wagging their green fingers at the bottled water industry for years, condemning the negative impact that plastic bottles have on the environment. Now a team of scientists from Montreal is saying that drinking bottled water may be unhealthy for those who consume it, reports CTV.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 09:44 PM
makes you wonder what water is actually good to drink these days.
i dont really trust tap water, and now not too sure about bottled. Usually i just drink from brita water filters, but after reading this, im not too sure that is even good for you.

heres a small clip from that site..

First of all, what kind of quality can you expect from Brita water filters? Well, any type of pitcher and pour-through filter is very limited in performance, primarily because of their filter size. They are not effective at getting rid of many types of contaminants like cysts, THMs (chlorine byproducts), VOCs (volatile organic compounds), pesticides, herbicides, and harmful solvents.

They also sell faucet filters. Brita water filters like this definitely produce better quality water than the pour-through type. But they still fail to filter out things like gasoline additives and VOCs, which include many kinds of harmful organic chemicals.

Anyone have any alternative ideas for a good water source these days?
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 10:18 PM
Pick your poison i guess. Flouride or bacteria...

Personally i'm going for the bacteria

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 10:22 PM
Hydration is needed for survival.

Our bodies will kill off harmful bacteria. That is of course if your parents did not raise you in a plastic bubble.

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 10:29 PM

Pick your poison i guess. Flouride or bacteria...

The fact it takes a scientist (rather than a docter) to prove the water has bacteria in it, just goes remind us that only a tiny percentage of bacteria species acturally cause human beings problems. You have to remember that people evolved with out hygenen.

I'm glad bottled water has bacteria in it, the fact it's got some living cells in it is an indication its not "toxic".

I agree with you that the production of bottled water is bad for the environment, but then not so much as "soft" drinks.
Also I'd hardly be surprised if plastic bottles, plus sunlight, plus time = water that dangerous than tap water (in other ways). You can get tap water, fluride filters. Nobody needs to consume chorine either, its mainly only to prevent bacteria from e.g. a leaking sewage pipe during water transportation. However well-water is usually safe, and you can run most water systems without it, not least because the water is obviously under high pressure, anyways.

[edit on 090705 by Liberal1984]

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 10:34 PM
almost every single square inch of habitable surface area on earth and all bodies of water contain high levels of bacteria.
this is mindblowing stuff.

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 10:45 PM
i like the idea of the "atmospheric water generator".

useing ambient water in the air as a source bypass's most of the stuff that gets into it below the ground, like most of the stuff previously mentioned.

although i dont like the price much...they cost an arm and a leg. i wonder if you could modify a dehumidifier to collect water, and then just filter it from there?

the ecoloblue does all that and has a 12 stage filter i think that combines UV lights, mineral filter, charcoal, carbon, and reverse osmosis membrane, and it can run off solar panel, but its like 1000 bucks

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 02:20 AM
reply to post by lost_on_earth

Our tap water has high levels of bacteria in it, oh and parasites too sometimes. Boil adviseries and water adviseries are sent out every year here. I buy tons of bottled water, to cook with and drink.

Not all bottled brands are equal and I stay away from bottled tap water like Aquafina and Dasani.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 07:05 AM
I remember back in the early 70's friend of mines brother went to work for Sparklett's ,his brother told him they filled big bottles up with tap water,so why pay outrageous price for bottled water,fill up a thermos or canteen,same stuff much cheaper too


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