Originally posted by zazzafrazz
Africa is kept poor by powerful economies, they keep warlords and despots in power to subjugate a very large population
Because if the West doesn't back its government-dictator of choice, then e.g. China, Russia, India or even Pakistan will. Why? Because every economy
likes cheap oil, metals, gold, diamonds ect.
Africa is basically a country perpetually "bankrupted" by the fact it was technologically behind the White man (a few centuries ago) ever since we
first discovered, affordable ways, to buy them, from each other as slaves.
But its hardly the biggest reason either. Most of Africa is still a strongly tribal society. Problem is "that tribal societies" have NEVER
been conductive towards Western Capitalism. We actually saw this first in Europe. The Romans are credited with bringing Europe much wealth, and of
dramatically raising economic, living standards. What did they do? Why prevent tribal infighting by unifying them under one brutal dictatorship.
However the Romans never actually destroyed British tribal culture (like all today's countries) they preferred to offer them "gifts"-bribes with
one hand, and regime change with another.
However British tribes had pretty much gone by about 1050 which is exactly the same time that massive monastery-church building, along with their huge
estates; began to "usher in" a productive, medieval economy.
And we see it today; throughout (literally) every country in the Middle East (except the Israeli colony). Iraq was a classic example of why not to
apply Western thinking to a pre-mediaeval society. We all know most of Iraq's problems came from it tribal infighting (not helped, by two different
versions of Islam).
Thing is Western Capitalism was never invented by any one race; or any one person. It's just a way of living, of trading, of doing other things,
that's not much different to "two plus two=4" (even if it is almost infinitely more complicated than that!). What that means is it's more our
ancestors hard work, and sacrifices, that have mean we've always had the "good luck" of a culture perpetually evolving to be conductive towards
Meanwhile Africa has something so ancient (that although it may have once been shared by our ancestors) what they have today is still quite alien
(unless you say study, e.g. cave man drawings!)
PS, I always try "try" to be "Politicaly Correct!!!
[edit on 090705 by Liberal1984]