posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 11:00 PM
In this job market, we are seeing many teachers getting laid off, as well as numerous other professions.
Lawyers, banking personnel, automotive workers, construction workers, real estate agents --- all are struggling in this economy. Automotive sector?
Forget about it. Anything tied to real estate is toast. Construction is toast. Banking sector is toast.
Where are the jobs? Well, medical seems to be thriving. We are going to see a huge wave of Baby Boomers move into old age in the next 25 years. But
with nationalized health care, who knows what to expect?
Nursing and accounting are still pretty safe, as are some government jobs. Stay out of banking. Stay out of real estate.
Be thankful you do have a job. There are plenty of aggressive, hungry, smart, and educated people around the country that envy the fact that you
actually have a job, with benefits, a pension, etc.
Can't make ends meet? Cry me a river. At least you have income. Many of the unemployed are trying to sustain themselves on paltry unemployment
checks. Thank your lucky stars you have a roof over your head and aren't living in your car.
With these record deficits, and continued disasters one after another (911, Katrina, Tsunamis, earthquakes, oil spills, etc.), things are only going
to get progressively worse.
You are just feeling what the rest of the country in the private sector has been feeling for several years now. Get used to it.
Best bet? Polish up your technical skills in a very specialized trade that is in very high demand - Medical field and accounting are probably the two
safest bets right now in this economy.