posted on May, 25 2010 @ 04:03 PM
For those who had keep saying here - "world is still together in main strategic guestions" - how much more evidence you need that SCO is really not
the West and not ruled by same banksters?
Russia is also totally silent about NK - SK conflict, why? Because they are in these games same side with China and they backs 100% what China is up
to there. Same silence we saw at time of Georgian war from Chinas side and usually Russia is the one taking care of most ME policies - with counting
to Chinese support.
Korean situation is driving world even deeper to two different camps and war in Korea means war in ME too. I think Iran is on the table here - If USA
(Zionist) regime dont back up in their plans in ME - War in Korea is what they will get too.
Only way to beat West is to open so many fronts (maybe south America and in Africa too) that they cant handle any of those with full force, and that
is only option to beat warmongering hawks. I believe that if first shot will get fired in Korea, we will see in days ME battlefield to open, and in
worst case scenario - that will happen before this week is in its end.
When aid fleet is going to test Gaza blockade, it can open every possible sealed secret in ME diplomacy - and wars in Korea and ME can happen in very
same moment. I see that either one of these wont start without another, but these can just start both same time.
Russia announced today that it will draw from WTO negotiations, another very bad sign just came out. Hezbollah giving very direct warnings from future
wars and Israels population has gone first time today everyone to their bunkers... We are in the edge, can you see?
China is keyplayer and I see how greatest ultimatum is given to West - "Back of, or wars will come."
If tone keeps going like this - this summer will turn us to WW3 - and the change has come in days to prevent it from happening. Ball is in USA and
Israels hands in their goal to achieve global hegemony what is now threatened by eastern coalition of SCO.