posted on May, 25 2010 @ 04:42 PM
Very interesting thread.
First I'd like to comment on the whole alarm system issue. Here is a patent you guys might be interested in knowing about:
Voice-activated personal alarm
I too work in the 'industry' and know much about these types of systems. More details about yours would be nice but I'm not going to press any
I would not be too hard on Mask, he is mainly just questioning your credibility although he could use a better tact. Although there is much good here
on ATS, there is also much balogne with hoaxes and such and I can't say I blame him.
Concerning the OP: Recently, I have been diving more and more into the study of demonology and Angelology. Not to go into too many details but I now
believe that 'UFOs' and most 'visitors' along these lines are demons.
Now, the two most fascinating commonalities between these types of reports are 'crackling noises' and dropping temperature phenomena. The barrier
between 'their' dimension and ours is apparently electrical in nature and this would lend credence to the phenomenon being discussed.
The Bible speaks much about fallen angels (demons) and the like: They are ancient (predating Adam), EXTREMELY powerful and intelligent, numerous
beyond our comprehension, condemned and allowed to exist closely with us with a 'veil of controlling' between us and them. Most of us can not see
them but they can see us and have a limited amount of influence to wield at this time. Also, again, they are -extremely- powerful entities and if it
werent for God's 'restrainer' we would be able to see them and would be utterly destroyed by them. They hate us because we that are among the
living, are not condemned. (yet) The psychology of these 'beings' by itself is enough to warp the brain but anyways, I digress.
My suggestion to the OP is to be very careful and mindful of the spiritual nature of these types of encounters. My belief, personal experience and
conviction dictate that only Jesus can protect us from whats beyond the veil but only you can decide what you believe in.
One question though, did you experience any other notable phenomenon aside form the crackling noise? Do you recall any unusual variances concerning
the temperature in the room at the time?
[edit on 25-5-2010 by ViewFromTheStars]