I've been lurking for a few days and I was originally planning to continue to do so, like I would guess a lot of people do.
but I met this old guy today at a guess I'd say in his mid to late sixties and campaigning about police corruption.
He's been at it for 5 years, on a single issue and he just hasn't let up.
I mean the cops have thrown everything at him he's even been sent to jail a couple of times.
Now whether this guy was right or wrong he clearly had guts and wasn't taking no for an answer.
My grandfathers the same way, he's never happier than when showing up some government agency or suing a big company (and usually winning
and then I look at myself and my generation, were pushovers, we give up immediately
"we'll there's no point in complaining"
"it's not like one person can make a difference"
I hear this or things like it all the time and I'm sick of it.
I want to learn to have the courage to stand up to authority and the brains, cunning and shear hard headedness to get what's right.
I'm a push over and so is just about everyone else.
I may think different from other people but that just makes me thinking sheeple instead of the complete sheeple the average person is.
I'm sick of being sheeple.
I'm too smart to be sheeple.
I want to be a Person!
Especially in a world were authority rather likes roast lamb for dinner.
I want to be strong enough to at least give authority indigestion.
I hear lies every day and I accept it!
I see injustice every day and I ignore it!
All I do is sit here and think, someone will be along any minute now to sort it out and everything will be fine.
there's bound to be someone more qualified to sort this out than me, I'm sure they'll fix this mess. And for thinking this I'm a fool, a human
fool granted but still a fool!
in the end whatever conspiracy theories are right and which ever theories are wrong I'm never going to be able to do any good for this world till I
harness the peculiar power of little old men and learn to stand up for my self and others.
So these are my beliefs and while I honestly struggle to achieve them, I do try and that is why I am here on this site.
I am angry, at the programming of society and my own lack of ability to overcome it.
I hope by interacting with those on this site that DARE to think differently (a seemingly mortal sin in our society) from what society says we must I
will find the strength to improve my self, and prehaps better understand the world and my fellow man and sheeple a little better in the process.
By the way that rand was a long time coming and it felt gooooooooooooood