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Politics, Religion and Conspiracies... Oh my!

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posted on May, 25 2010 @ 12:23 AM
Okay, so I hang out with some friends which are not conspiracy people. They are simple, ignorant people, oh how I yearn for the days of ignorance again... oh well.

Back to subject. We went out for some coffee the other day and we were talking and watching some TV at the coffee shop. I forgot what started it but I began talking about politics. I started spewing my positions and my outrage, I got to the point where I'm sure I was being pretty rude by being so loud.

My friends told me to shut up, no one wants to talk about politics, it's not important. That infuriated me, but they made their point pretty clear. Then one of my friends, die-hard catholic, was talking about miracles and what not. I started talking about religion, I was quickly silenced again! I was getting pretty angry!

So I said in a sarcastic manner, "What should we talk about then?". Well they started talking about sports, and that was not cutting it for me. Then I started thinking about the 'Hall of Records' under the great Sphinx, I brought that into conversation and was talking about that with them just looking on like I was crazy.

They told me that no one wants to hear that crazy sh*t. I said, "Well it's important, don't you care that knowledge is being suppressed and we are being lied to!?" and there response was, "No."

After that they started talking about the women in the college and, well I don't think we need to go into that...

My question to all ATS members is, why is it common for people to just ignore such important things? I try and talk politics and have a decent conversation about such an important part of our world and they couldn't care less, like it's not important. I tried to talk religion and they just ignored me. I even tried talking about alternative topics and they said I was crazy!

Have we lost touch with society or has society lost touch with what's important? Do we care too much about frivolous things that we simply have no control over?

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 12:37 AM

Originally posted by Misoir
Have we lost touch with society or has society lost touch with what's important? Do we care too much about frivolous things that we simply have no control over?

A really good question there in my opinion. Like it's been said over and over again the global community has been dumbed down (imo) by reality tv, tabloids and the whole phenomena of making sports stars look like super heroes to be worshipped.

Basically it's easier for people to just absorb meaningless things from the mass media and to have something casual to talk about with other likeminded people.

Back to your question i think we have both:

1) lost our touch with the society (talking about the conspiracy community i've observed here over the years), which can be seen by the vast amount of obvious ignorance / stupidity. The same phenomena of accepting everything that's told here can be easily observed (just take a look at some of the threads in the grey area). It's harder to think for yourself than just accept what someone says who seems smart and can articulate things well.

2) Society has definately lost touch with what's important and empowering as a whole. Power can not be taken, it can only be given. Which basically means that all the madness going on in the world can be blamed on all of us.

Finally no, we don't care too little about frivolous things we have no control over. I think we just act too seldom about anything. When was the last time you demonstrated or wrote a letter to your congressman? When was the last time you tried to go out and gather likeminded people and get some mass behind your ideals.

I can't blame you if you don't do that type of stuff - I don't

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 12:51 AM
reply to post by Misoir

I gave you a star and flag for familiarity. I myself have witnessed this phenomena when talking not to the same group but different groups. I find if one speaks of say the 911 incident people in general will not hear it unless you provide them with visual evidence.

In ,y own opinion I think in general people do not want to hear it. They would rather live in their comfy little cubicle with their warm and fuzzy feeling.

Now however I have also observed when they are presented with the evidence of different conspiracies i.e. again 911, they automatically change and simply cannot get enough. I have personally saw timid little tax payer's come completely unglued and ready to start a revolution.

Again I am not a conspiracy "evangelist" or specialist. but it make's for interesting conversation when you have evidence of your claim.

Edit to add:I believe thats why so many new members are coming to this site. Simply to find alike people to converse with. Having said that listen to this. Everybody has at one time seen post on here that everyone knows is nothing but lies wrapped in hoax. Yes can you imagine listening to some of these people in real life? No wonder they call us nuts.

[edit on 25-5-2010 by Loken68]

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 12:53 AM
Ever question that maybe you talk too much? I kid.

Sorry, It just had to be thrown in there.

So, depending on how you view that situation of whats important is where you should go with it.

Bringing that to a whole society? That could be considered an imagination.

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 02:29 AM
Ignorance coupled with arrogance. Ugh, that gets to me.

All you can do is sit back and observe. It's all any of us can do really. At least we can convene in online forums and if we're motivated enough, come together in public demonstrations in support of our ideals.

To be honest I'm justing waiting for the chaos now. Although you might not be one who revels seeing others realise it's "too little too late".

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 03:04 AM
IT could be this:

Ostrich Syndrome is when people prefer to 'stick their heads in the sand', much as an ostrich does, rather than accept some uncomfortable facts.

(though they don't really stick their heads in the sand)

It is easier to deny that its happening than realizing that 1. it is happening and 2. there is not a thing you can do about it.

"The discomfort, the uncertainty, the physical and mental challenge that I get from this -- all the things that too many of us spend our time and energy trying to avoid -- they are precisely the things that keep me in the game." ~ Brian Grazer


posted on May, 25 2010 @ 04:20 AM
Isnt that behaviour common to most species ?

The social animals get on with being birds or dogs or whatever, till this pink one turns up, its slowly noticed and slowly but surely it attracts even more attention.

The end result can be anything from shunned from the pack/flock/colony, to being physically attacked, death or serious injury being a regular outcome.

Im sure I also read somewhere about a chimpanzee experiment, where at a given signal, say a bell or horn, the chimps were exposed to something unpleasant. After a while they equate the signal with punishment of some sort.

Later when some chimps were swapped around it appeared that they head 'learned' the lesson from other chimps, with any new chimp triggering the signal then being attacked by chimp who wasnt there when the trigger experiment was carried out. The only explanation possible being that it had been taught that behaviour from the other chimps?

Are we being taught this 'ostrich' syndrome in some way? Or made to feel more susceptable to it at least.


posted on May, 25 2010 @ 05:15 AM
Wow, I've experienced this a billion times. I don't even bother anymore. I won't destroy their sad little world. If sports is what they want to talk about, then sports is what I'm gonna talk about. Besides, it's nice saving the topics we on ATS love for the people with a little more intellect.

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 05:38 AM
reply to post by Misoir

Be careful. The only difference between you and who you call ignorant is that you believe that you are not ignorant and that they are. So, when you yearn for this ignorance which you perceive and yet you fight against it, you are being contradictory.

But I do know how you feel. But I admit that I rather enjoy talking about the ways of the world and how things work. I don't get angry over politics because it's all a big reality television show anyhow. It's pointless and if they don't want to talk politics, then I don't see the problem.

But they do buy into the corporate scheme by enjoying sports and women to the degree that you describe. That is not proof of ignorance anymore than it is proof that they understand the vanity of the situation.

You see, it is good to want to educate people on what you believe you understand. If you are gentle about it, people are more likely to think about what you say later - when the time is right.

The more knowledgeable people are, the harder we make it for TPTB to put their plans into motion.

But do not be fooled. TPTB will not be stopped because TPTB is an entity which is untouchable as long as people do not hunt and grow their own food and live on and with the land as the home it is meant to be. TPTB is untouchable as long as each individual does not know how or is unwilling to conquer and govern their self.

Anytime you see a constitution being written, remember - the reason that a law is created is because people weren't abiding by the rule in the first place. Because people did not abide by themselves, a government of people will not only decide what is best for the people, but also how they can turn that lawlessness into profit.

The only real government that is any good for any of us is a monarchy ruled by a Good king who is immortal. One good, fair, and just person that could never die is the perfect leader.

Any other form of government, because of the nature of humans, is useless.

So, if you believe what you believe, rule yourself. Hope that others do the same.

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 05:41 AM

Originally posted by bakadesu
Ever question that maybe you talk too much? I kid.

LMAO! Nah, you meant that.

I understand completely what all of you are saying, top "3" especially.'
(sorry to rule the rest of you out)

But seriously. We have become a race of beings that is comfortable
living in the "fairy tales" that "they" cram down our throats!

I've experienced it to the point where I relay this type of "phenomena" to ancient and biblical texts. (not much for glorifying the bible, but you know what I mean.... i hope)

In all of times... people have been "dumbed" down in ordinance for some crazy mythological, true "savior." When putting the pieces of the puzzle together, there is significance to it.

It's US!

We ARE the "OneMind" that "they" don't want us to know about.

The TRUTH lies within ourselves and until you part fom what you have been TOLD, (sad, but, obviously, *we as a species are (a) COMFORTABLE "beingggg....." TOLD what to do and what to believe in) then perhaps "you" reap what you sow. (get what you deserve)

*we as a species are comfortable being told what to do....
(in case you missed that :lol

Edited: ****

[edit on 25-5-2010 by thegiantpeach3]

[edit on 25-5-2010 by thegiantpeach3]

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 06:08 AM

Originally posted by thegiantpeach3
The TRUTH lies within ourselves and until you part fom what you have been TOLD, (sad, but, obviously, we as a species are (a) COMFORTABLE "beingggg....." TOLD what to do and what to believe in) then perhaps "you" reap what you sow. (get what you deserve)

I completely agree with that. Sadly thinking for yourself isn't exactly a trait that the TPTB are trying to encourage in the greater population. It's pretty much always been like that 95% of people are and have always been sheeple.

First are the people that are poor and struggle to survive on a daily basis. It's quite natural that they've got better things to think about than whether some New World Order is going to take over the world. Most of their time go to acquiring the necessities to survive. The irony in it is that if those masses awakened to the truth and someone equipped and fed them the TPTB would acctually tremble in fear.

Second there are the people who just go with the flow, don't give a crap about morality/ideals as long as their lifes are easy and they can watch Football/America's top model all day.

Third people who care but don't act upon their knowledge for one reason or another. These people are all talk and no action (me and most of ATS included i'd say). What use is it to "know" about things if you just keep to yourself or in these little groups. People bitch about the NWO, Shadow government, alien disclosure not happening. Honestly in the end can you blame the government or anyone else for not making anything happen if you don't even attempt to help it happen yourself?

Last but not least are the few people that act upon their beliefs and make the world a better place for us all. The carriers of the light for humanity in my opinion. These are the few individuals that come up with a revolutionizing concept and go through with it. For example the Founding Fathers of the United States or enlightened thinkers of their time like Voltaire.

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 06:16 AM

Originally posted by Misoir
My question to all ATS members is, why is it common for people to just ignore such important things? I try and talk politics and have a decent conversation about such an important part of our world and they couldn't care less, like it's not important. I tried to talk religion and they just ignored me. I even tried talking about alternative topics and they said I was crazy!

Have we lost touch with society or has society lost touch with what's important? Do we care too much about frivolous things that we simply have no control over?

'Fear is the mind-killer'
Orwell, 1949

The dystopia described by Orwell was only made possible by propaganda driven fear.

Your friends' social discource preferences reflect (2010) cheap beer, pornography, and a national lottery soporific.

I'm with you with the

And also feel this

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 06:39 AM
reply to post by Misoir

I wonder on this too. A few days ago some friends came over, and we got to talking. I asked what did they think about the oil spill in the Gulf? Not a one knew anything about it! I asked, don't you all watch the news? No, they said, too depressing. I too long to be blissfully unaware like many others, but sadly, once knowledge is taken in, it stays in.

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by enteri

Originally posted by thegiantpeach3

What use is it to "know" about things if you just keep to yourself or in these little groups.

Great use, for me.

When I die.... I know not to come back to this steaming ball of sh*t!

Also, just knowing, and believing... that alone spreads a strong message
collectively through thought waves that we are too blind to see.

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