posted on Mar, 8 2003 @ 05:53 AM
I don't see why you don't.
Saddam kills over 300 people a week just to keep in power (actually the figure is probably more like 1000 a week, he killed 300 marsh arabs a week
simply because they were marsh arabs, had nothing to do with keeping power, and that was over 12 years, 200,000 marsh arabs.)
I must profess, anyone against this war, is just acting the fool.
2000 years ago people killed eachother at the drop of the hat, civilization is justice in the law, not pacifism when people are dying.
The fact we've taken 12 years, means 2 million dead on our heads, but thank god, it really is on the UN's heads.
I think the subconcious reason the members of the UN don't want us to "liberate" Iraq, is they know letting Iraq into their fold as a new
democratic nation, means they are going to have a very vocal and pissed off population to contend with. The UN screwed the Iraqi people so badly, I
bet you one of the first things done by the New Iraq, is the representative is going to throw his shoe at France.