posted on May, 24 2010 @ 06:56 PM
reply to post by domenquebaker
You bring up a very good point, and that is this: Sometimes, when people actually view things, they might sense or feel that it is something
extraordinary. We've all seen planes, right? No confusion there. But, unfortunately, the video or photographic recording does alleged "real"
sightings little justice.
I've see three objects in my lifetime that I couldn't explain. I shudder to think how sorry they might've looked being recorded on video.
If there weren't so many people that for whatever the reason decide to fake or amplify these sightings, then we'd start to compile some real
numbers. That's why I like to look at all of these, good or not, and why I appreciate the OP bringing it to us.
I've seen a fair amount of 'UFO' videos that look to me like someone filming the ISS. Now, if they WERE filming the ISS, they probably had a
clue that that was what they were doing a video of, particularly those people who seem to have trundleloads of UFO youtubes. I have to believe that
they know what they are seeing. There are even a couple who make claims like, "this cannot be faked!!!!!" ......... which resonates to me as "I
challenge you to duplicate the method I used to fake this!!"
Why do they do it? I don't know. I can't relate. I know that it makes it very difficult for me, at least, to place any real faith behind
videos like these in this thread. A true skeptic is a researcher, and looks for the most plausible answers first -- conventionally known phenomena.
Eventually, we are all going to be reduced to believing only what lands in front of us, and then proceeds to walk up and interact with us.
oops! that was a rant, wasn't it? Sorry all. Not racking on you OP, either. Again, thanks.