posted on May, 24 2010 @ 05:01 PM
If we secure our borders then what will happen to the market and price for illegal drugs like marijuana, coc aine and heroin.
We can't take down these supply routes, it would cause many to loose their only way of making a living and drastically increase the price of these
drugs that so many people rely on just to make it through the day.
"Cheap, ultra-pure heroin kills instantly
Spike in overdoses linked to drug popular with Mexican smugglers
Mexican drug smugglers are increasingly peddling a form of ultra-potent heroin that sells for as little as $10 a bag and is so pure it can kill
unsuspecting users instantly, sometimes before they even remove the syringe from their veins."
They are not all from Mexico but they are comming through Mexico.
What would all of these people do, (who just want the opportunities that the U. S. offeres and are only here to do jobs that we don't want to do) if
they had to apply for visas and passports to come into the U. S.