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Is Canada a good country to move to?

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posted on May, 23 2010 @ 11:27 PM
Immigration from the USA isn't that easy.

Out of all the places in the World, for some reason the immigration policy between Canada and the USA, and Canada and the UK are about the worst I've seen. I don't get it. Intermarriage is quite common, and man they make it hard.

It is quite possible you'd be expected to have a job already. And you almost certainly be expected to have a job to sponsor family in.

How do I put this...?.....I make good money, I have a nice family, and a good job, and decent enough education....and I probably wouldn't be allowed to become a citizen if I hadn't been born here.

We really only take two categories as far as I can see. We steal the highly educated and well place, or the downtrodden and run off. The middle class need not apply.

I live in Calgary. What would you like to know?

There are jobs. It is a bit specialized often though.

Housing is not that cheap in any of the bigger cities in Canada. Compared to larger centers in the USA they might be comparable. Compared to the outlying districts, not so much.

1300 sq feet (not including basement) in Calgary will run you about 300,000 to 650,000 depending on the area.

Saskatchewan and Manitoba are lovely provinces in their own way. I particularly like Manitoba.

Biggest differences - we don't have slums that are anything like USA slums. The few streets that might approach that level - I could still walk down at night.

There are no "ghettos" here. While there are areas with public housing, they tend to be integrated into other neighbourhoods, so you don't have any "projects" type areas.

The estimate of taxes given before for you is just a little low. Expect more in the range of 35% at 100,000. There is a sales tax, and in most provinces there is a provincial sales tax (or harmonized sales tax) on most consumer items. Your property taxes can run for a 300,000 home in the 1200 or more a year range in the bigger centers.

Even the "right wing" provinces aren't as right wing as most republicans.

Canada isn't socialist. Canada abides by a "social contract."

Resources are not nationalized. Most of the socialized industries were sold off more than a decade ago. Most of the ones that were socialized had to be. Development couldn't have happen in a national manner otherwise.

Canada from one end to the other, top to bottom, has fewer people than the state of California. Half of the population lives in the border wet belt of Quebec and Ontario.

Calgary is consider a big city - and has just over a million people. Calgary has more people than the entire province of Manitoba. That might give you some feel for the amount of space and the way people occupy it.

Heating and other utilities will run you 250 to 350 a month. Not including TV, internet, sat, cell.

Let''s see. Calgary is DRY. Very very dry. Most food is shipped in - even the farmers' market. There are not a lot of Cowboys running around. Not that there aren't any. You'd be more likely to run into a real honest to God cowboy in Saskatchewan or Manitoba.

[edit on 2010/5/23 by Aeons]

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 03:56 AM
Im from Manitoba and I can assure you it sucks big-time.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 11:13 AM
I live around Edmonton... and I can tell you that if you are looking for a nice, stable, low-crime area your best bet is to move to a suburb or city along the outskirts of a major city. Alberta and Ontario are probably the best places for this kind of lifestyle. I like Alberta... because the mountains are only a few hours away

For instance, around Edmonton there is St Albert, Sherwood Park, Spruce Grove, Stony Plain, Morinville, Beaumont, and a few others. All have less than 60 000 people, and are within a 10-20 minute drive of Edmonton.

Perfect if you have a family and would prefer a quiet place with city nearby to work at and go out to for fun once in a while.

As for weather... unless you move to Vancouver, you are going to get the usual 6-8 months of chilly weather, sometimes getting as low as -40C. But then the summers are absolutely beautiful, getting just as hot as Florida does.

It isn't always cold in Canada... we just get the coldest winters and the warmest summers


Oh and by the way... we have a national sales tax of 5% on everything we buy... and every province also has a provincial sales tax of anywhere between 5-15% on top of that.

Except for Alberta! Just to give you an idea of how rich Alberta is... a few years ago... we had a MASSIVE government surplus... so the government decided to reward every single one of its hard-working citizens, including the children and un-employed, with a $400 prosperity check.

Maybe not the best idea of government spending, but hey... I didn't complain about getting a free check for 400 bucks

[edit on 24/5/1010 by Monts]

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by colt122
Im from Manitoba and I can assure you it sucks big-time.

Aw man, what's wrong with you? I love it here. We had the second strongest economy during the recession! Sure, Winnipeg isn't cosmopolitan Toronto, but it's slowly getting there. Too many Manitoba's lack interest in our own province. It doesn't help anything. Have you even stepped outside lately to see how beautiful things are? Why don't you like it here? Or do you just complain about the province because that's the "cool manitoban" thing to do?

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 12:17 PM
While I am sure many cities are great in Canada to live in, I am in St. John's, NL and thats where I plan on staying!
I love this city. Its got all the modern advantages of a big city (Stadiums, Hospitals, University, Malls, Fast Food, Stores and the list goes on) but with a small town feel. I would have no problem and most nights do, go to bed with my doors unlocked. Being the oldest city in North America you really gotta experience this city. Walking down Water Street on a sunny day with the buskers playing, stopping by George St for a pint, did I mention I love this city?? While many Canadian cities are great and i'm sure wherever you choose will be fine, do yourself a favor and at least visit, you will not be dissapointed. Someone earlier said newfies are the friendliest, this is no lie my friend!! I suggest July/August for the George St Festival!

But now that the Newfoundland Tourism commercial is over, we also are a thriving city. Mr. Danny Williams seen to that, we are booming as a city expanding more and more everyday. Work is not scarce and neither is money. We have a fairly low cost of living, rent is cheap, food is not too bad and in most instances our utilities are a little cheaper. Our winters are pretty mild actually due to our proximity to the ocean, so if you can put up with a bit of fog here and there you might what to rethink your stance on us
We'd love to have ya!

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 12:21 PM
reply to post by stereovoyaged

I second that motion. I'm in St. John's and circumstance willing will be for a very, very long time.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 02:53 PM
Also, watch Republic of Doyle if you want a good glimpse of the city

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by Misoir

1. Is it affordable to live in Canada(on the outskirts Calgary of Vancouver)?
2. Is the quality of life better than in the USA?
3. How heavy is the tax burden on a person making around $100,000 US Dollars in Canada?
4. How tough is the immigration process and do you have to learn French?
5. Is your economy stable and expected to remain stable?
6. Is your country mostly safe and peaceful?


1. 100k a year is more than enough.
2. According to the UN.
3. 50% plus taxes on most purchases.
4. You don't have to learn French. You might be able to get in as a refugee from America eventually in which Canada will be obligated to take you in. If you have skills or money or ideas than you can get in through the points system.
5. Stable considering the world's state. Best banking system in the world.
6. Much safer compared to the US. Harder to own guns, crime is much lower. Lots of hinterland to hide in when SHTF.

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 11:13 AM
hmmmm As a Canadian from Ontario I really have got to get my rear over to the East Coast and soak in some of that laid back culture, beer and seafood.

This thread has made me want to travel and see the parts that I haven't been to, which is basically everything East of Montreal.

To the OP, good luck to you. There is so much diversity here, in terms of scenery, politics, culture and lifestyle, you would be hard pressed to come up with any kind of overall "best". Maybe that is one the great things about this country, there is apt to be a corner somewhere that is right for just about anyone.

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by wayno

Come on over dude!!! We'll have a case of Black Horse in the fridge waiting for you!!

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 11:22 AM
reply to post by wayno

Honestly, after moving from Ontario to New Brunswick back to Ontario. I can say that New Brunswick, is one of the most amazing places in all of Canada. It is so unbelievably clean, and laid back it is just mesmerizing.

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 11:23 AM
Um, I live in Canada and I will say that it sucks. You Americans wouldnt like it. There is nothing for you guys here.

I heard mexico is nice this time of year. Try again next millennia.

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 11:40 AM

Originally posted by Misoir
reply to post by ZombieOctopus

Thank you.

I like Calgary, but Alberta is too much like Texas for my tastes. I just considered there because it is booming and has a stable job market with high pay.

My first place I liked was Winnipeg until I saw how cold it got. Vancouver is extremely expensive. And my grandfather told me that Nova Scotia is too cold and wet.

So I guess Calgary is probably the best choice.

You might like Winnipeg if at first. It's a sleepy city with not much to do. The winters are horrible so you are correct. Housing may be more affordable than others. Native indians are in abundance with poor quality of life for most. Alcoholism and inner city depression is huge but you could live somewhere near the perimeter with a nice middle class lifestyle, buy a boat and go fishing.

Vancouver is where I live now. Rent downtown for a 1 bedroom runs me about 1000+ per month. Pay is good but beer will cost you $6 a pint. Weather is moderate all year with rainy blues during the winter months. You get over that quickly if you are from the snow like me.

Edit to add Calgary: I hear they have stopped booming now

[edit on 25-5-2010 by FlySolo]

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by FlySolo

You might like Winnipeg if at first. It's a sleepy city with not much to do. The winters are horrible so you are correct. Housing may be more affordable than others. Native indians are in abundance with poor quality of life for most. Alcoholism and inner city depression is huge but you could live somewhere near the perimeter with a nice middle class lifestyle, buy a boat and go fishing.

[edit on 25-5-2010 by FlySolo]

Okay okay, I can't let this one slide. I can't let you bash my home town like that. Yes, we have some of the must brutal major city winters on the planet. In fact, I believe we are the coldest city on earth with a population over 500 000 (I could be wrong though). But to be honest, Winnipeg has a lot of character. Sure, we do have an extensive native problem in terms of it being that specific demographic that ends up being the worst off for whatever reason, but it is being improved upon. Yes, downtown Winnipeg has always been notorious for it's grim state of baggers and drunks, but that too is a large issue that's being worked out.

Now, if the OP doesn't like cold climates then perhaps Winnipeg isn't for you, but I assure you that regardless, Winnipeg is a great city. We also have really warm temperature. Some years, it can go down to -40 and up to +40. I don't know very many other places that have an 80 degree temperature span. Winnipeg is a developing city with lots going for it. We have a vibrant culture that spews out tons of great small artists with plenty all across the region, not just in Winnipeg. If you love music or arts, Winnipeg is the place to be. We also have vibrant festivals such as Folkfest and Folkarama. Of course, I don't know if these things interest you OP, but even so they disprove the common misconceptions about our fair city.

Anyways, no matter where you choose to live, Canada has something for everyone. Hopefully you will find a place that suits your fancy and enjoy a long and prosperous life in our nation. Good luck!

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by For(Home)Country

Now, if the OP doesn't like cold climates then perhaps Winnipeg isn't for you, but I assure you that regardless, Winnipeg is a great city. We also have really warm temperature. Some years, it can go down to -40 and up to +40. I don't know very many other places that have an 80 degree temperature span.

Might as well to Toronto or a majority of other large Canadian cities if you want a "80 degree temperature span."

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by Misoir

Toronto is a nice place to live. I was born and grew up in the west end. Moved downtown in my early twenties, and had a blast. The cultural diversity of TO is truly remarkable. You can walk down Yonge St. and no one looks the same. Very cool.

Ontario also has some of the most beautiful Provincial parks in Canada, if you like to camp etc. Algonquin Park comes to mind. Absolutely beautiful, my parents would take us up there when we were children. We would camp in Pog Lake (just beware of the Pog Lake monster
). The water was so clean, when canoeing, we used to just reach in the water and drink right from the lake.

I haven't traveled too much outside of Ontario, been to BC, out east Quebec etc. (beautiful by the way) but Toronto/Ontario is where my heart is. Currently I live in Hamilton, which is another city about an hour outside of TO. (going to school here)

If you're an American, TO is probably the most American of the Canadian cities, outside of Calgary I guess. If you're a sports fan, you can go check out a Jays, Raptors or Leafs game. Sometimes, the Bills come up and play at the Air Canada Center in the fall. So, if you get a little homesick for the good ol' USA, just go check out a sports game. Raptors tickets are pretty cheap right now (Sprite Zone, if they still have it) and they play both National Anthems! Cost of living is a little high, but if you have a good income I guess that wouldn't really be much of an issue.

The nightlife in TO is pretty awesome too. If you're into that. Lots of bars and outdoor patios in the summer (we really like our patios for some reason) and its relatively safe city to live in. Obviously there are some rough areas, but they are easily avoided.

Also, just about 1-2 hours outside of TO is the Niagara Peninsula. Some of the best Ontario wines come from Niagara-on-the-Lake. I used to work at a winery there, and I must say, it is also an especially nice place to visit. Some of the wines rival those produced in France and Europe.

I probably sound like a Canadian travel agent or something
. Sorry, your post just made me think about what a wonderful and vibrant country we Canadians live in. We are very fortunate.

Good luck with your decision, and welcome to Canada in advance!


[edit on 5-6-2010 by kommunist]

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