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The ATSer's Dream

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posted on May, 22 2010 @ 10:41 AM
There is one thing i have noticed from visiting and participating on these boards. and that is no matter what the field of interest. There is one thing that united all ATSers here.

A yearning to be free!!

It is known that adrenaline is a narcotic and addictive. knowing that I would say that the majority of people on here are adrenaline junkies. not the bungy jumping, extreme skiing, dirt bike racing type. But addicted to chaos and disorder.

Can we have a show of hands. How many are here just to get an alternative new view point? How many are here to get stars and flags.

How many are here to Profess the end of the world? or at least to enjoy the heated discussion.

OK lets break it down.

Global Meltdown - Everyday there are thread about global financial collapse, the USD bombing, everything going bad. By this accounts the world financial markets should have bombed 2 years ago. and we should all now be living in a mad max scenario.

What is the hope. the hope here shows that people do not want the system we have, and are almost wishing it to fail. The result, being free from the oppressive feat currency and credit system that keep us all locked in perpetual slavery to the system.

US (regional) Political Madness - Constant decrying of the political system. The truthers, Right vs Left. Every slip of the tongue or step out of place it examined in great detail. Constant call for the system to be overthrown. For a return to common law and the constitution of the US to be upheld.

The Hope: the hope is that the US political system will fall, and a more fair system will come into place result, freedom from the system of poilitical slavery

General Conspiracy: NWO, Illuminati, HAARP, Bluebook, MKUltra, FEMA, Rex84 etc etc etc
The Fear: Big brother with all his systems, tools, toys and death camps will kill everyone but 500,000,000 people on the earth. the rest will be killed in camps, or earthquakes, or false flag events.

The Hope: the hope is that the people will fight back and stem the tide of jackbooted feds, in the last desperate stand, maybe on the banks of the Delaware??? hmmm Again this is a yearning to be Free.

UFOs and 2012: A bit Planet / Aliens are going to come along and nuke the planet or destroy us.

The Fear: Polar shift, tectonic shift, Big scary planets, crazy Mayans, alien invasion. Government cover up and secret preparation in the form of seed banks, underground bunkers for the elite.

The Hope: the hope that the Galactic federation of light will come along and save us. in the case of Nibiru, this one is totally fatalistic, (for extreme adrenaline junkies) there is no hope we're all gonna die!! But essentially there will to survive and fight against this continues, and we will be free as the result will be the destruction of the system we know today. And we will be free to live our lives.

Fragile Earth: Crazy Earthquakes, Global Warming / Cooling, Volcanoes etc.
The fear: Destruction of society by natural means.
The hope: Good bye economy!!

Survival: Enough said

Paranormal: Ghosts, spirits etc.
The fear: Messages from beyond telling everything is going bad, and general physic stuff. and ghosts
The hope: to meet a ghost and say hi!, or that the messages from beyond prepare us the enlightened ones to lead the sheeple in to the new era.

OK lets stop there for a minute.

What I hope I am showing you here, is that everyone on this board, whether they agree of disagree is essentially here for one of two reasons. the fear or the hope.
The hope is generally that the system that we live in and feel is unnatural, and that is why we want to break free from it. But ask yourself this. if you were free from the system, what then? you would still have the pressures of survival!

Will the world end? will the system collapse. personally I don;t think so. Will we have problems, yes we will for sure. and yes there will be wars. But will the system go soo bad that will will be in some mad max post apocalyptic scenario.

I don;t think so, but do I hope so. Maybe. Why? because I am tried of going to work, or I am too tired and lazy to meet my financial responsibilities. and know that if the computers went down I would be freed from that responsibility.

I think we all know that the PEOPLE who control the governments are just that PEOPLE. human like us. And we are jealous that they appear to have all this power, and feel they are better than us. But ask yourself this. Why do we let this happen? why do people join the security forces or armed forces that enforce this rule of law as directed by the elite?

Answer: Because those in power, know that we are too fractured as a people to be ever joined as one. Just as ATS is too fractured as a community to be joined as one.
There will always be differences of opinion, that will always result in conflict. Our heard of sheep needs a shepherd.

But hang on, why do we need a shepherd. who decided long ago that the serfs need to be controlled? simply, because of our desire for hope, we do desire peace, and we do desire to prosper. but left to our devices, it cannot work.

No Aliens will come to save us. The system will not fail. it is not an organic thing, and is entirely controlled so it cannot. it can only be adapted. but you will always have to pay.

i don't know the solution to our hope. But by this I hope that I can show we here all have the same dream. A dream to be free. and THAT makes us one. wherever you are from.

PS I know this is a rant, but whatever!!!

posted on May, 22 2010 @ 11:50 AM
This is a really good analysis. We are just a bunch of alternative adrenaline junkies.

posted on May, 22 2010 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by Phlynx

Well if you want to be simplistic about it!! hehehe

But the main point here is that everyone here whether their poison of choice is politics, financial, spiritual, or plain conspiratorial. in my mind is displaying a need for one thing.

CTL+ALT+DEL of the entire social system!

but how many people now would be happy with a subsistence living? When in today's world it requires money to be able to make the break!

Could we say that ATS is the vocal tip of the proverbial iceberg, with feelings that run deep beneath the surface, and that we are closer toa social revolution than ever. Given evidence of increasing membership numbers.

or is that just my yearning for a life free from the systematic slavery!??

[edit on 22/505/1010 by JakiusFogg]

posted on May, 22 2010 @ 03:15 PM
Ahh come one is this really just a 2 flag 1 reply sort of thread. Though that more than a few people would have had an opinion on this. Or was it just me??

Maybe it's too close to home??

posted on May, 22 2010 @ 03:59 PM

Can we have a show of hands. How many are here just to get an alternative new view point? How many are here to get stars and flags. How many are here to Profess the end of the world? or at least to enjoy the heated discussion.

Not sure why, but I got slightly offended when I read the OP's post.

I'm here because ATS is top dog when is comes to "Breaking News."

If I want to find out what happened today, I come here.

posted on May, 22 2010 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by sodakota

There is no need to get offended. I am sure that in some cases it has a good lead on things that happen in the world that the MSM just does not bother with.

But really are you here just the breaking news?? or are you hear for the inside scoop on the latest fear?
What do you desire from the world most of all!

posted on May, 22 2010 @ 08:03 PM
OK let me be clear on this. The point of this post is not the statement about being adrenaline junkies looking for a fix.

The point about is post is to highlight that the fatalistic crash watchers on this site, whi make up a lrage proportion, and by extension if not all people here DESIRE an extreme change.

I merely wish to point out that whatever you area of interest, your base desire is the same as everyone elses.

Whether it be political or financial, spiritual or other. I see here, that the people are desperate for a fundamental change in their lives.

And I wonder if ATS is merely nothing more than a moot post to ping pong ideas.

Maybe someday realy action con come from our meeting of minds


posted on May, 22 2010 @ 08:10 PM
Lets just say that the adrenaline part is the reason that keeps us hooked in the heat of a new panic. In which ever area interests us. Let face it ATS is a mad buffet of anything and everything we could want.

But what brings us here, and what peaks the interest is the notion that something may happen or that we have the inside track on an event that will change society forever and we have the info that will enable us t survive in this new world.

We feel powerless in the real world, but here. HERE WE have the power and are one step ahead of TPTB.

Bu in the end we ALL desire the same thing. FREEDOM,


whether it is an apocalyptic scenario, or little gray men. at the end of the day it is all the same.

posted on May, 22 2010 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by sodakota

i concer, thanks but no thanks op we are here searching for....happienes. well thats kinda why i do evrything . to take it a step further i come here for regardless to what you may think OP

- peace

posted on May, 22 2010 @ 08:27 PM

Originally posted by JakiusFogg
Lets just say that the adrenaline part is the reason that keeps us hooked in the heat of a new panic. In which ever area interests us. Let face it ATS is a mad buffet of anything and everything we could want.

But what brings us here, and what peaks the interest is the notion that something may happen or that we have the inside track on an event that will change society forever and we have the info that will enable us t survive in this new world.

We feel powerless in the real world, but here. HERE WE have the power and are one step ahead of TPTB.

Bu in the end we ALL desire the same thing. FREEDOM,


whether it is an apocalyptic scenario, or little gray men. at the end of the day it is all the same.

yes that is very well i think if i see thred about say martial law or/invasion type stuff i know to take my fammily into the country side willderness. that chalenging prospect is very exciting nice job


posted on May, 22 2010 @ 08:35 PM
reply to post by jplaysguitar

OK, so are you advocating that everything on this site is entertainment value only, and that what is said should be taking witha massive bag of salt. As from what I see there are a lot of people here that are dead seriosu. And i for one would like to know what makes it tick

And if possible for once to draw some lines of unity in this crazy work a day work!!

BTW if you are just here for the shear fun of it. then cool more power to ya!
I say!

posted on May, 22 2010 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by jplaysguitar

You here are searching for Happiness. really? here? in ATS?????

When was the last tiem you saw a "happy" thread here

maybe you should start one

All I see here is the daily fix of doom and gloom. It really is all bad news warnings and doom prophecy. (maybe with the exception of the paranormal forum or the fragile earth)

And so as not to be hypocritical I count myself amongst the junkies!!

posted on May, 22 2010 @ 10:03 PM
I think I see your point, but didn't ever think of it like that. Most people are here for sharing information aren't they? They have questions and they are looking for answers.

There are parts of the forum I don't frequent that much, but I don't come here purposely to get a "fix." I like all the different topics. How many other websites can you go to to get such a variety of things to talk about?

If I want to talk about the oil spill, all the updated information is here. If I want to read about what's going on in space, it's here. if the price of gas is going up, I'll find out here.

As far as UFO's and aliens I haven't really made up my mind, but it's nice to stay informed of what's going on, and what people think.

Nothing has really changed for me since I was a little girl. I still follow the same rules, obey the same laws, worked all my life, raised a family etc. The same as everybody else. The only difference is, I'm more informed now days. Not sure what I'll do with this information though. i think I'm in a "wait and see what happens" mode.

The future is definitely uncertain, they keep telling us they'll make us more secure, but security is already gone, starting with job security. I knew something seemed wrong for years. Now I know what it was, that's all.

Does any of this make sense? It seems like I'm rambling.

posted on May, 22 2010 @ 10:28 PM
reply to post by sodakota

Hi Sodakota,

I totally get what you are saying. and yes I agree that at times this ite is great for breaking news or updates

As Cartman says in the latest southpark sometime you have you work your way through all the dicks to find a gem.

But given the themes that are prevalent here most of the time, I feel that a lot of the people here (regardless of the fix point) do have a yearning for true freedom from the system. in which ever form for them it takes.

What I am afraid of is that this site is in actuality nothing more than a soap box, rather than as you say, what is could be, a real forum for the free flow of truthful information.

Also that, but that the people here have the same goal, in their persuit of that freedom and learning. I just wish that the people here, as in the real world would realise that. And that the truth can shine through without being obscured by all the BS.

In the end we all look at the same mountain peak. Just on othersides of the mountain.

Si that not the path to true enlightenment?

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