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WW3 will start this summer "This is how it will play out"

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posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 03:48 PM
This is impossible. football world cup in South Africa is going on in June. Everybody too busy watching telly. need to postpone, one month.

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by Maxmars
Listen to the words....

We are always struggling....

sadly our most capable opponents are ourselves.....

Did anyone notice the two most common themes?

The Fire and the Individual.

If you want to make a difference, that is all you need to understand.

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 10:08 PM
It will be far less complicated then all that.


posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 10:27 PM
The enemy will be BIOLOGICAL, humanity will sucumb to it like what happened in the plague years. Far worse than any war will do.

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 10:46 PM
I don't think the pieces are in place for WWIII just yet, but are slowly getting there. Right now, I do believe that the middle east and the Korean penisula are starting to heat up, and that on the world stage, we are looking at the very same problems and issues that started World War I. The precursor to such, was all of the alliances that were going on between the countries of Europe at the time, the behind the scenes and secret agreements that were, being build to where it was one small spark to set off World War I. That is what I believe is happening, and like the game of chess, or go, the final movements are being positioned for fast and decisive strikes at different points to throw the larger countries off balance.
North Korea will not attack, unless its back is the wall and they have the backing of China. If that is assured, in assistence, then they will attack, but not until its allies are ready to move as well, and they are working on such. Now if you look at China as a pivitoal role in the world politics, I believe they are acting behind the scenes and doing alot of joining different countries together as well as making inroads into areas that they would have thought was off limits, especially into South and Latin America. You have Venezula building alliances with South and Latin America, and is an ally of Iran and China. Iran is starting to get friendly with Turkey and is trying to not only build inroads in an alliance, but put together an alliance of Muslim nations together to counter act the US in the Middle east, using Isreal as an excuse to fight a proxy war against the US, but can not move until its alliies are ready to strike. So we have North Korea, and Iran gearing up. Seems like when the world is focused on one, the other is moving quickly behind the scenes and then quiet down, so the other can take the focus., moving back and forth. China is a power to be reconded with, cause they don't need military action, they can put economic pressure on the US, calling in the debt, or selling our bonds off to another country. Do you think there is any country out there that would love to get ahold of our bonds, to put pressure on the US and demand repayment? Europe is not able to do anything right now, as they are in the midsts of an economic crisis of an epic proportion and the infighting is keeping them paralysed right now, so if there is a direct attack on them, they are not going to be willing to go into a shooting war. Someone mentioned Africa, and that is the wild card of the day, as there are several things going on, from unstable governments and politcal unrest, to race riots, and people calling for the out right extermination of other peoples. (Darfore being a good example.) So as long as that is going on, then Africa is still up in the air, though some things that are coming out, and they are far and few between, is still up in the air.
I do believe that when the pieces are in place, we will see multiple strikes all at the same time all around the world. North Korea will strike South Korea, as Iran launches attacks against Isreal, hitting American Interests at the same time, shielded by Turkey, and other muslim nations in the region. Venezula will invade Columbia and other nations who are allied with the US, under the pretex of preventing US agression and imperialism, as Argentina, along with a coalation of South American countries, strike and take the Falklands. Once this goes down, then all eyes turn to the US as China will either support the US in its endevors, or put the economic screws to the US and call in its debts, to make it hard for us to launch any military action, as it will cause the devaluation of the dollar, crippling the economy.
But that is all hypothetical and right now I do not believe the pieces are in place yet, but there are getting there.

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