posted on May, 20 2010 @ 03:41 PM
There are three American hikers, Sarah Shourd, Shane Bauer, and Josh Fattal, that have been held hostage in Iran for ten months. Iranian President
Akmahandajob has allowed the mothers of these political prisoners a first time visit, and the Persian websites explode with sympathy. This outpouring
of support mostly comes from Iranian mothers. Reporter Amy Kellogg’s blog in Liveshots states,” someone in Iran, after seeing photos of the
mothers embracing their children, was “It burns your heart. If torturing Iranian mothers was not enough, now this.” and another comment from a
Persian website: “how awful they must feel right now? Only God knows.”
For this, what can I say? The branch of peace must start somewhere, and the women of Persia, have shown this through their websites. Although the
Iranian president was playing the sympathy card and allowing the mothers to visit, he did not anticipate the mothers of his own country to cry out in
support of the American mothers and hostages.
Violator1 out.