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Bush rules

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posted on Jun, 8 2004 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by mwm1331

I disgree jethro the desire to choose is central to human existence. The more choices people have the more choices they want. It is natural to want as many options to choose from as possible. When those of neighboring countries see that thier neighbors have more options than they do they will naturally want to increase thier options as well.

I'll agree that more options create more choices (as if that needed to be said).

BUT, when presented with something, humans either "choose" to embrase it, "choose" to reject it, or "choose" to comprimise. More options is not always a recipe for acceptance.

In fact, should they reject it (might be a bit like Israel), they would not just reject it, but fight it as a further corruption of the nation of islam (not the U.S. org.).

It could become quite the quagmire (moreso than it already is). There is also a healthy fear of the unknown going on in the human heart. I think it will cause a splash, but not decidedly the kind you predict.

Plus, the climate for the French Revolution and America deals with Christianity. The middle east is a powderkeg with main roots in Islam. They are not quite the same.

posted on Jun, 8 2004 @ 10:22 AM
The iraquis will choose thier own leaders.
The chinese "kids" tried to rise up in the 80 in tinamen square that didnt work.
Quadaffi was also very worried he was next on the target list Do you honestly believe he didnt worry about who we would target after we finished with Iraq?

posted on Jun, 8 2004 @ 10:25 AM
In many of its thier tenets Islam is similar to christianity. The problem is not Islam the problem is those who abuse Islam.
In terms of the commandments there is no reson a democratic state can not be founded on the tenets of Islam as opposed to protestant christianity (as in the case of the United States)

posted on Jun, 8 2004 @ 03:56 PM

IN FACT the Iraqi people will choose their own leader, in the coming year they will hold their own first free election, So stop telling people this stuff that is not of your intellectual level. You are much smarter than that.

We have chosen a leader to guide them in the interim time. He was actually the man the people of Iraq wanted. However, the people of Iraq
WILL choose their own leader. So I ask of you to please stop saying that they won't get to.

And furthermore, Bush is among the best president we have had since Reagan.

Bush came into office with the economy going down the toilet. He did not create it. 9/11 happened and made it worse. 3 1/2 years into his tenure the economy is growing at a great rate and it is because of him. So Bush is a great president.

And the rest is all based on whether or not you are conservative or liberal.

Bush does rule.

[edit on 8-6-2004 by SuperKyle]

posted on Jun, 16 2004 @ 09:05 AM
Well literally bush does rule. as president he is a constitutionally bound ruler.

If he gets voted out of office he will have ruled

t the moment he is ruling

posted on Jun, 16 2004 @ 09:15 AM
Perhaps Ghadafi was worried, but if I was him I wouldn't be.

After the unbelievably great press we have received for our War on Terror so far, I'm pretty sure the international community will let us invade another because we (unlike so many countries south of China and North of South Korea) add a bit of class to the whole affair.

Then again, we could always elect Kerry who, I'm pretty sure, wouldn't make war without extraneous approval.

posted on Jun, 16 2004 @ 09:19 AM
I think North korea has got to go down. From there we could strengthen our position with Taiwan and build an invasion force for china. Once china is out of the way the word will be ours MWAHAAHAAA

No seriously though North Korea and Nuclear weapons is a very very bad combination.

posted on Jun, 16 2004 @ 12:32 PM

Originally posted by mwm1331
Am I the only one here who thinks that bush is a good president? Am I the only one who does NOT believe he planned/allowed the 9/11 attacks? Can any president who told the french/germans to KISS OUR ASS*S be that bad? Is lowering taxes a crime? Come on repulicans I know your out there so SHARE THE LOVE

You are not the only one that can think for yourself and not have your head stuck up your a@@.

So yes there is others like you and me.

Ask TC...


posted on Jun, 16 2004 @ 01:03 PM
Well a love in for Bush? Maybe that's the "compassionate" side he's always talking about when he's not boasting about executions, commiting warcrimes and getting rid of freedoms.

He is America's Nero, but instead of burning Rome he has driven America into the ground like an iron spike.

I have never truly considdered any one country home but I can tell you, under Clinton, I loved what America was, under Bush it repulses me. France, Germany and China should be commended for standing up to him. As I have said many times before, a true friend will tell you when you're acting like a complete jerk.

Bush calls himself a Christian and believes the he is a messenger of God, and yet he starts and unjust war, seems to acutally enjoy the death penalty, insults Ameirca's fellow countries and then calls them childish names when they insult her back.

So call me what you will, a liberal, a French fry, un-American or whatever else neo-cons call people to make themselves feel big. I'll wear it as a badge of pride with my head held high. I am more American than you will ever be.

May Peace Come In Our Time

posted on Jun, 16 2004 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by The Astral City
He is America's Nero, but instead of burning Rome he has driven America into the ground like an iron spike.

I think that may be pushing it pretty far. To say that he has driven it into the ground would be giving him much more power than he really has. Has he made mistakes? Yes. Has he made an ass out of us more than once? Sure. But America will be ticking long after he's gone.

I have never truly considdered any one country home but I can tell you, under Clinton, I loved what America was, under Bush it repulses me. France, Germany and China should be commended for standing up to him. As I have said many times before, a true friend will tell you when you're acting like a complete jerk.

A true friend takes money and opposes a "friend" to secure their own economic security, yet bitches about us doing the same thing. Was it any secret that the Euro was to be the new oil currency? That's a big deal for the EU pundits, one they would lie through their teeth for I'm sure.

The whole situation was a bunch of front phrases that hide everones true agenda (differing depending on the nation).

Bush calls himself a Christian and believes the he is a messenger of God

I don't think he has ever eluded to that. Christians believe that God puts them in places to do his work, so that could be what he was talking about (I don't have quotes in front of me... sorry)

and yet he starts and unjust war, seems to acutally enjoy the death penalty, insults Ameirca's fellow countries and then calls them childish names when they insult her back.

First off, I think the name calling started from elsewhere first, but it really makes no difference. It's very easy to hide an agenda behind the "Unjust war" banner. Some have done it.

So call me what you will, a liberal, a French fry, un-American or whatever else neo-cons call people to make themselves feel big. I'll wear it as a badge of pride with my head held high. I am more American than you will ever be.

I'll agree with you there. I loath the scum conservatives who think detraction damages the United States and/or is Un-American.

It probably makes me more sick that it does you.

posted on Jun, 16 2004 @ 07:33 PM

Advance the flag of Dixie
Hurrah! Hurrah!
For Dixie's land we take our stand,
And live or die for Dixie!
To Arms! To Arms!
And conquer peace for Dixie
To Arms! To Arms
And conquer peace for Dixie

Hear the Northern thunders mutter!
Northern flags in South winds flutter!
To arms ! To arms! To arms, in Dixie!
Send them back your fierce defiance!
Stamp upon the accursed alliance!
To arms ! To arms! To arms, in Dixie!

Advance the flag of Dixie
Hurrah! Hurrah!
For Dixie's land we take our stand,
And live or die for Dixie!
To Arms! To Arms!
And conquer peace for Dixie
To Arms! To Arms
And conquer peace for Dixie

posted on Jun, 16 2004 @ 07:59 PM
KrazyJethro, this forum could use more like you. While I do not always agree with your oppinions or stands, you do debate them well and without resorting to name calling.

If any feel that I did resort to name calling, I'm sorry for it. When I said that Bush believes that he is speaks for god, or somesort, I was refering back to the statements he has made that God is on his side and such, probably was a bit of a reach on my part.

When I said that he was America's Nero I don't know if I was giving him too much power, he does after all lead the most powerful nation on earth, allbeit, not alone though. If I had to defend my statement, I'd probably go back and call the entire neo-con movement the Nero of America, it is true one president probably can't kill the United States, but a political movement like the neo cons may be able to.

I do stand by my statement that Bush is not the best Christian of all time, not that many of the US's other presidents have been, but Bush likes to wear his religion to get votes, and I think that is wrong. Bush has gone so far as to ask the Catholic Church to tell their preists to give sermons to help him in the election, I believe that is grossly unethical.

In the end I beleive that Bush is one of the worst presidents America has ever had, and I think that even some conservatives are starting to see him as the wrong person to lead the country.

May Peace Travel With Us

posted on Jun, 16 2004 @ 08:16 PM

Originally posted by MaskedAvatar
No, you're not the only one, you're just as wrong as the others.

You may yet grow out of it.

Good luck with the treatment, I hope this website performs well as part of your recovery process.

yeah right.

he'll so want to learn how to adopt the principles of a light form of communism. thats it. if you liberals would get off your asses, make somethinhg of your lazy selves we wouldnt have all this bipartisan # in congress and we'd actually get # done.

tax the rich to feed the poor till their are rich no more. thats communism and thats what liberals do.

democracy promises only equality of oppertunity, not conditions.

the oppertunity exist so you can change your current conditions. stop having babies, get off your ass and work for your money.

rant over

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 07:51 AM
The premise of this thread is that Bush Rules.
I know becuse I started it.
If you disagree tell me why.
Make your points Ill make mine.
Who knows maybe one of us will end up changing our mind.

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 08:07 AM
The Astral city,
You say the whole neo-con movement is Americas nero. In what way?
What issues do you disagree with bush on?
What positions has he taken that you object to so Vehemently?
You accused Bush of being responsible for warcrimes can you back up this statement with evidence?

Krazyjethro we have discussed a few issues already, What other issues do you disagree with Bush's policies on?
Are there any stances he's taken you agree with?

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 07:25 AM
The astral city I'm still waiting for an explanation of your earlier comments.

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 08:12 AM
Well i don't feel Bush is a good president, America has had much better presidents then him. The reason i don't feel Bush is a good president is 'cause he has a habit of going in all guns blazing without thinking, he just needs to think things through before making up his mind. I can understand why thou, after 9/11 he had so much pressure from his advisors to crush the people who were behind sept.11th.

I just feel that America needs a new fresh face, Bush shouldn't be given a second term, but i don't Kerry will do any better.

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 08:40 AM
To say that he went in without thinking and with guns blazing is I think a bit of a distorted view. The invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq took enormous amounts of planning.

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 10:45 AM

Originally posted by mwm1331
To say that he went in without thinking and with guns blazing is I think a bit of a distorted view. The invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq took enormous amounts of planning.

but the post war wasn't planned. Ok, Afghanistan is slowly getting better and improving, but Iraq has a long way to being peaceful.

posted on Jul, 1 2004 @ 07:15 AM
There may be some truth to waht you say. But I just think that maybe we are all being a tad impatient.

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