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'Pedophile Island'

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posted on May, 20 2010 @ 08:51 AM
'Pedophile Island"

"Pedophile Island" is a proposal to "remove all pedophiles from the State of California" -- Or "remain in prison for life" or "leave our State of California permanently." But for "Pedophile Island," Hughes has mapped out an entire blueprint that includes the creation of infrastructure, housing and a system of governance.

And once pedophiles go to the 'Island' they stay. Forever'

Purposed sight is Santa Rosa Island - a location he hopes to make a sex offender haven, is visited only by "Park Rangers or environmentalists" and hence, it's current maintenance is a "waste of taxpayer's money," Hughes says.

Escape from N.Y - Meet - McNeil Island

Escape from New York - The John Carpenter 'Thriller' staring Kurt Russell:

The year is 1998. Due to huge crime rates, the United States turns its once great city of New York into a maximum security prison where hardcore criminals are put for life.

McNeil Island Special Commitment Center.

The Special Commitment Center Program, operated by the Department of Social and Health Services, provides a specialized mental health treatment program for civilly committed sex offenders who have completed their prison sentences.

The civil commitment process is under the authority of the superior court in the county where an individual was previously convicted of sex crimes. Only sex offenders whom the court finds to meet the legal definition of a sexually violent predator may be civilly committed to the Special Commitment Center.


'Special' containment for Pedophiles seems to be new news to MSM though I don't know why as McNeil Island Commitment Center has been around for ages.

But, it's good news that someone running for office is actually proposing another 'Island'...

Dang, but I'd even check a box on my income tax to donate some bucks to this great plan.

I vote Yes!



[edit on 20-5-2010 by silo13]

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 09:04 AM
Well the problem is, if you put a bunch of people with the same goal together (getting off the island) and you let them fend for themselves, they will eventually figure out how to get off the island (swimming or otherwise)...Just saying.

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by Portugoal

That's what sharks are for

And for the 'new' island? Hughes has made provisions for 'escapes'...


posted on May, 20 2010 @ 09:26 AM
No they won’t. Not if you have enough guns, and put them on an island in the middle of the ocean. They would not have a chance. I for one agree with this proposal. They had their chance for life. They shouldn’t have touched little kids for their own sexual pleasure. Pigs. And if they somehow take over the island they are not going to swim anywhere. Worst comes to worst....bomb them. Shouldn’t be that difficult to convince the public.

[edit on 20-5-2010 by Maddogkull]

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 09:29 AM
Near Brisbane, Australia, they're implementing something very similar to this at the moment.


30 pedophiles to share supervised housing complex in Brisbane

* From: AAP * May 18, 2010 10:24PM

UP to 30 convicted pedophiles will share a new, supervised housing complex in Brisbane's western suburbs. The Queensland Government is planning the accommodation for pedophiles who have served their sentences and are transitioning back into society.

The move is in response to community protests that drove pedophile Dennis Ferguson from his accommodation in Ipswich, Murgon, Miles, Bundaberg, Toowoomba and Logan City, south of Brisbane.

Prisoners who have served sentences but can't be trusted will be housed at the new facility at Wacol, in Brisbane's west, in public housing on jail property, the Seven Network reported on Tuesday.

Each home will cater for three sex offenders.

``The transitional housing has everything from CCTV, dog squad visits, drop-in visits, they're surrounded by barbed wire,'' Corrective Services Minister Neil Roberts told Seven.

Tenants will pay 25 per cent of their Centrelink payment in rent. Psychiatrists warn the joint accommodation could hamper rehabilitation efforts.

FTR, Centrelink is the government department that handles Australia's version of "welfare".

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 09:30 AM
Wouldn't chemical castration be a better, cheaper option?

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 09:32 AM
Sounds like a great idea and keeps them away from kids, which not only protects the kids, but also removes the temptation from any pedos who actually don't like what they are (and there are more than you might think).

Slightly unfortunate that "Paedophile Island" sounds like a really screwed up theme park though!

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 09:34 AM
As a survivor this is one of my prefered methods to treat them.... akin to devils island but perhaps a lot colder... where freezing ya nuts off has real meaning for the inhabitants...

I have never been one for wanting revenge that takes me down to their level, but have wanted them out of society in the old fashoned way of banishment..

as long as it is a long way away from other humans

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 09:36 AM

Originally posted by Limegreen
Wouldn't chemical castration be a better, cheaper option?

Not really, it doesn't always curb the "appitite" and not being able to get it up doesn't stop them doing other things to the poor kiddies.

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 09:38 AM
reply to post by silo13

I think this is a fabulous idea, as a matter of fact I was just taking about such a plan a few weeks ago with a friend. A nice, humane way to deal with a real problem. I live in a small town with 22 of these guys. We need to move them all to a place where they cannot touch a child every.

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 09:43 AM
Just make them convert to Islam and ship them all to the middle east. Perfectly acceptable way of life there.

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by nik1halo
Oh, I always thought it made the desire vanish.

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 09:44 AM
I'm for it, hopefully we can send those high-up pedophiles that cover for eachother and otherwise suck at having power. Damn, we are so overall scared to take any action against criminals, we have to soft laws on most crimes, murder/genocide in mind aswell.
pedophiles usualy are afraid of prison since they know that touching a child isn't accepted in there by the other inmates. Tho this sollution is better since they do not come out again into society.

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 09:48 AM
I think it's a good plan. I don't like the name though, pedophile island sounds like it could be Walt Disney's newest theme park. Oh wait, Disneyworld already is sort of like that anyway.

What comes to my mind is what all the people in the world who have been sexually abused would end up doing. I mean if all the pedophiles were on an island together it would be really easy to attack them. For example if I were president, I would organize some "simulated" exercises for my air force people and on one particularly sunny afternoon my pilots would end up nuking the island, on accident of course. There was a miscommunication somewhere in the chain of command, I would tell the public. Pedophile island got nuked on accident.

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 09:48 AM
You could shoot them, that would be the best solution.

What happened to the Coalinga Mental Hospital in California, where they were locking them for good weren't they?

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by Limegreen
reply to post by nik1halo
Oh, I always thought it made the desire vanish.

Not always. Studies have shown that in the cases where it doesn't deplete sexual desire, it actually makes matters worse, because they have no way of relieving sexual frustration, even in "normal ways", ie, consensual sex with an adult, or masturbation. Because of this, they are more likely to re-offend.

God, why do I know this stuff? I'm a computer geek, not a psychiatrist!!

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 10:03 AM
I'm assuming they'd have a male island and a female island, otherwise they're bound to just start having children.

There is something that bothers me about this, putting people on an island off the coast of California and just letting them have at it so they can build a society free of the hassles and hardships of modern life seems more like a reward than a punishment. I think that if they offered the opportunity to the general public, there'd be que's for miles.

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 10:32 AM
I would say that part of the problem is Policital Correctness. Society has created this lill problem, as it is a sad state of affairs, when our own good intentions have come back to where they have a choice, violate the rights of all to protect all, or not. There is no neighborhood, no place where you can go, without dealing with children or having to face a law suite for discrimination on some level. I would agree that to protect the children from such actions like the repeat offender like Gardner, they do need to seperate such, but without violating their human rights, or the rights that is guaranteed to men. What I do not see, is plans to deal with medical problems, or feeding, or even the ablity to rehabilitate the person to be a productive part of society again, and then there is the problem with the 17 yo, who makes the mistake of dating and having sex with a 15 year old, do you punish him for the rest of his life, cause he did such, or sent sexually explicit pictures of himself to a girl via cell phone? He is not a hardened criminial, and such does happen.
The other problem with this is, that you seperate them, and like all seperated people, lets say they have a community that becomes very attractive to the rest of society, a place where you would want to have children, then what does the state do?

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 10:35 AM
Castration..simple, safe, easy to perform, they will immediate have a support system all the big boys looking for playmates that cant pitch and more. Way to simple..this inhumane ..more so than seperating them from society and freedom for life. How about a choice..castration or the island.?

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 10:38 AM
You could deport them to this said island then nuke the island... 'it's the only way to be sure'

Seriously though,

My view point is anyone committing this unspeakably awful offence against nature should be chemically castrated. Remove the monsters sex drive and you would nullify the problem.

Peace out,


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