posted on May, 19 2010 @ 03:42 AM
Originally posted by proteus33
and how r they saying most they gonna pay is 75 million.
I think BP has asked a Fed Court to stop it at 75M.
Doesn't mean they're gonna get it. I guess the court is waiting
for the blame game to play out a lil farther before a cap is imposed.
Originally posted by proteus33
can't states sue them individually.
yes they can,
however just this week BP dished out $25M to FL
and $15M to each of the coastal states (LA, MS, AL, GA)
to help offset tourism losses.
However, nobody seems to be talking about the conditions
of those payments. If the State Governors signed a no-fault
waiver with BP for those funds, then they can't sue them for
anymore in the future. We just don't know at this point
until the details are published. We may never know as BP
made the surviving members of the rig sign non-disclosure
waivers before they were allowed access to family members.
They told them they would not be allowed to go home
without signing. Kind of a shi++y deal if u ask me.
[edit on 19-5-2010 by boondock-saint]