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BP is paying off Governors of 4 States

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posted on May, 17 2010 @ 10:03 PM
Link to article at BP website

Release date: 17 May 2010
"BP is today announcing grants to each of the states of Florida, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana to help their Governors promote tourism around the shores of the Gulf of Mexico over the coming months."

"The grants announced today are for the Governors to distribute as they see fit to promote tourism. "

Does anyone else smell a rat? Florida gets $25 million. Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi get $15 million each.

This is money to promote tourism.

The oil is still gushing from the bottom of the Gulf Of Mexico, and THESE MORONS are paying off the Governors to promote TOURISM!!

Day by day this gets more and more infuriating.
Of course now you know that the palms are being greased as we speak.

[edit on 17-5-2010 by tellmemoreok]

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 10:09 PM
Greased or oiled? It's public relations, a relatively small gesture more than it is buying off governors until proven otherwise though we do know Jeb Bush is deep fried and oozing oil money but hey I'll give him the benefit of a doubt for the time being. We want blood from BP and full compensation so unless the governors have agreed to limit damage claims I don't blame them for taking the money.

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 10:16 PM

Originally posted by ChrisCrikey
Greased or oiled? It's public relations, a relatively small gesture more than it is buying off governors until proven otherwise though we do know Jeb Bush is deep fried and oozing oil money but hey I'll give him the benefit of a doubt for the time being. We want blood from BP and full compensation so unless the governors have agreed to limit damage claims I don't blame them for taking the money.

This is CRAZY. What reason in the World do they have to be giving the Governors money to promote tourism? Like people aren't smart enough to decide for themselves if they want to boat/fish/swim on an oil slick? Let's just spend some money on advertising and paint a pretty picture. Ever hear the word PROPAGANDA?

Wow...I have a BETTER idea....WHY not focus on CLEANING UP the spill? OR stopping the FRIKKIN HUGE LEAK?

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 10:30 PM
Come to the sunny and oil covered coast of the American southeast
Watch the plant and marine life slowly die, all courtesy of BP

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 10:39 PM
I find this utterly appalling

I have been expecting these states to sue BP
and the rest of the cohorts for ruining their
busy summer tourists season. But really,
this amount of money given is but a drop
in the oil bucket of what could be actually
earned during tourist season.

It's like trying to pay for a brand new
Cadillac off the lot with a $100.00 bill.
It winds up being more of an insult
than assistance.

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 10:53 PM
oil spill very not cool

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 12:50 AM
These governors will exempt any future liability from BP by accepting these "settlements". It would be stupid to try to receive such a paltry sum. Negligence is no excuse to escape paying for your mistakes, even with perfect PR campaigns.

It seems that everyone involved on the business side are more worried about the loss of product and equipment rather than the implications. The spin is so tremendous right now.

They play it like: "oh, its so tragic, yet heroic efforts are being made as we speak." ~random qoute from your local news~

If anything, these states should pass legislation that taxes the bejebus out of any pollutants arriving on shore and within state and national waters. BP already admitted publicly that they are responsible. I think its quite feasible that this angle could be played.

Who knows? Maybe $15-25 million means $100 million personal? It would be wonderful to think that those govs would have a backbone and deliver proper results for their state.

Staying tuned for the outcome

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 02:41 AM

Originally posted by ChrisCrikey
we do know Jeb Bush is deep fried and oozing oil money but hey I'll give him the benefit of a doubt for the time being.

Jeb Bush has not been our governor for a while now, its Charlie Crist.

As another poster mentioned though, it does concern me that this is an attempt to make a gesture that they can later claim is a settlement outside of court and by-pass any legal responsibility to the states for the damages.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 02:42 AM
I can't honestly believe that Bob Riley is going to take this money....oh wait, after this lottery fiasco, I guess I can. This disgusts me. No Gulf Shores this year I guess.


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