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Ilkley Moor Entity

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posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 07:14 PM
Does anyone have any other info on this thing?

Me and my mate live about an hours drive from Ilkley and we might be going on a day trip to see if we see anything on the moors.

Ilkley Moor Entity picture and story

[edit on 9-6-2004 by Lunarstablos]

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 08:05 PM
It looks like a Lego alien put on some rocky ground... But it's hard to tell because of the poor picture quality.

posted on Jun, 8 2004 @ 06:20 PM
I live in widnes not to far from manchester, north-west is suppost to have alot of activity, i was on a site somtime ago cant remember what it was but there was alot of people who thought or knew they where gettin abducted.Alot where from liverpool, so maybe they where on crack or summit i dunno

posted on Jun, 8 2004 @ 07:06 PM
We're from Bolton so we might be going up Rivington too. There is supposed to be some kind of panther like creature up there that feeds on cattle!

posted on Jun, 9 2004 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by Lunarstablos
Does anyone have any other info on this thing?

This image is confusing. I have heard at least two different stories concerning its origins. Another story I remember the man was an actual policeman, and took the picture before being incapacitated. He later went to a hypnotist and when under hypnosis he recounted being brought up into the creature's spacecraft, shown a holographic video about the destruction of the Earth's environment, and another hologram on a subject he had promised not to talk about to any one. He refused to disclose what he had been shown, and then recalled being brought back down to Earth and the aliens had given him amnesia.

That story doesn't make much sense though, as I don't see any point in the aliens bringing him into their ship and showing him the holographs if they were going to give him amnesia...

posted on Jun, 12 2004 @ 08:37 PM

Originally posted by Lunarstablos
Does anyone have any other info on this thing?

Me and my mate live about an hours drive from Ilkley and we might be going on a day trip to see if we see anything on the moors.

Ilkley Moor Entity picture and story

[edit on 9-6-2004 by Lunarstablos]

Kinda looks like the salt vampire from "The Unreal McCoy", doesn't it?

posted on Jun, 13 2004 @ 02:33 AM
allrighty you UK folks....time to get a group together and go on a fact finding mission, wouldnt ya say?

I would come along but it WAY WAY to far for me to hike SOMEBODY needs to go in my stead. Maybe Genya would go for me???

YOOHOO! Genya......go check THIS out!

posted on Nov, 19 2004 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by Lunarstablos
Does anyone have any other info on this thing?

Me and my mate live about an hours drive from Ilkley and we might be going on a day trip to see if we see anything on the moors.

Ilkley Moor Entity picture and story

[edit on 9-6-2004 by Lunarstablos]

Well did you go? did you find anything or was it all to SCARY for you

posted on Nov, 20 2004 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by spngsambigpants

Originally posted by Lunarstablos
Does anyone have any other info on this thing?

This image is confusing. I have heard at least two different stories concerning its origins. Another story I remember the man was an actual policeman, and took the picture before being incapacitated. He later went to a hypnotist and when under hypnosis he recounted being brought up into the creature's spacecraft, shown a holographic video about the destruction of the Earth's environment, and another hologram on a subject he had promised not to talk about to any one. He refused to disclose what he had been shown, and then recalled being brought back down to Earth and the aliens had given him amnesia.

That story doesn't make much sense though, as I don't see any point in the aliens bringing him into their ship and showing him the holographs if they were going to give him amnesia...

I think the story continues with the fact that he *thought* he took the photo before, but then finds out its actually *after* the experience, when the alien was leaving. Well it was a while since I heard about it, so I'm not 100% sure.

Any way, I still think that is one of the most convincing EBE images I have ever seen. Its very detailed (for being just like every other blurred photo
), and got "true" dimensions (in the same program I heard the story, was a test at that location, which showed the alien was not just some little doll or anything, but exactly the height the photographer said they where). Sure someone could have put a true-to-size doll there just as easily as a something else, but still.

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 06:07 PM
Real or no, that picture always gives me the willies. Go watch Signs, even though you know it's just a movie, I don't know anyone that wasn't scared sh*tless during the birthday party scene. The fact that, even with a billion-to-one odds, this may be real is quite disconcerting.

Which is why I love it

posted on Oct, 25 2006 @ 09:52 AM
Well it's been a while since this post was orginally posted. Has anybody learned anything new about the entity? It was a friend of mine who originally posted the message, and no we still haven't been!!! It's on the cards...

posted on Oct, 25 2006 @ 10:33 AM
Well I'm a Manchester lad myself and this is something I've read about too.

I agree that the picture does show a figure that, to me, looks very much like a type of Grey. What I am unsure of is how many reports in this area there have been.

Previous posts suggest that you will be taking a short field trip to the area but if this was a one off experience and sighting in the area do you not think that this might be a watse of time?

Don't get me wrong, I believe that we are being visited, tested on, impregnated, mutilated, probed and fingered so please don't have a go at me. Winter is here and I don't want you getting a cold.


posted on Oct, 25 2006 @ 02:01 PM
I may be wrong, but it sounds like this account
is being mixed up with the Tordmordon episode.

A policeman saw what he first thought was a bus
in a road in the early hours and realised it was a
spinning many faceted diamond shaped UFO.

The story sort of dwindled there, but later the
policeman... I'm sure it was a Alan Godfrey, took
hypnosis treatment and he explained that he was
taken aboard and certain things were said to him
and then 'blocked' so he wouldn't repeat them.

The creature in the picture, if it's real, looks like
a goblin of old accounts.

[edit on 25-10-2006 by IronMan]

posted on Oct, 25 2006 @ 05:10 PM

Originally posted by IronMan
I may be wrong, but it sounds like this account
is being mixed up with the Tordmordon episode.

A policeman saw what he first thought was a bus
in a road in the early hours and realised it was a
spinning many faceted diamond shaped UFO.

The story sort of dwindled there, but later the
policeman... I'm sure it was a Alan Godfrey, took
hypnosis treatment and he explained that he was
taken aboard and certain things were said to him
and then 'blocked' so he wouldn't repeat them.

The creature in the picture, if it's real, looks like
a goblin of old accounts.

[edit on 25-10-2006 by IronMan]

I've noticed this before too.

Both incidents took place in Yorkshire, both involved a police officer in the 80s.

The supposed Moor witness was Phillip Spencer, Alan Godfrey was the abduction victim in the other incident mentioned.

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 03:38 AM

Previous posts suggest that you will be taking a short field trip to the area but if this was a one off experience and sighting in the area do you not think that this might be a watse of time?

More than likely! Or should I say more than 'ilkley'...

It would probably be more appealing if there had been more recent sightings.

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 04:47 AM
I'd love to have another experience, believe me, but you can't pick and choose unfortunately.

My story is something that I will share once I have been on here a bit longer I think.

Does anyone have a link to the other possible story then?


posted on Oct, 28 2006 @ 11:17 AM
Firstly I believe this subject should have been submitted in the 'Aliens and Ufo's forum where this subject belongs.
The image of the (ho,hum) E.T. must rate amongst the most vague ever submitted irrespective of any enlargement or enhancement.
I doubt the authenticity of this image. To my eyes it looks fabricated, blocky and obviously fake but people will see what they want to see and believe what harmonises with their willingness to believe.
I find it amusing that people want to go to Ilkley Moor on a pointless fact finding trip...and for what? Time has passed, memories of this incident have blurred and I very much doubt any more evidence can be wrung out of this dusty incident.

posted on Oct, 28 2006 @ 01:33 PM

Originally posted by anglosaxon
I doubt the authenticity of this image. To my eyes it looks fabricated, blocky and obviously fake but people will see what they want to see and believe what harmonises with their willingness to believe.

The irony of that being that its still probably one of the most impressive and real looking photos of a supposed alien.

posted on Oct, 30 2006 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by merka

Originally posted by anglosaxon
I doubt the authenticity of this image. To my eyes it looks fabricated, blocky and obviously fake but people will see what they want to see and believe what harmonises with their willingness to believe.

The irony of that being that its still probably one of the most impressive and real looking photos of a supposed alien.

Be honest with your statement and dismantle it:probably So you are not certain?
most impressive Really!!!
real looking You are joking!
supposed alien Correct...Supposed,are you not sure?

Patronise me for a moment.... I only have a laptop (desktop users may have to find a way) but when I invert the laptop screen (upside down) and view the image submitted from the hyperlink I distinctively see the face of a mouse peering from the centre of this image. You may have to tilt the screen a little to see this clearly.
....and the point of this is some proof that we see what we want to see
Time has passed and the Ilkley Moor incident flame is likely to be a vague smouldering ember in the minds of those who remember this was once news. I doubt any additional research will turn over another page in this mystery. The trail of this 'visitation' is ice cold and I happen to be one who accepts it.


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