posted on May, 17 2010 @ 03:08 AM
I think with respect to Americans and the US government, it is unfathomable.
To understand this, first you have to understand that the idea of what America is, represents life, freedom, doing the right thing, everything
opposite of oppression and tyranny. This is why they have so many who can support everything simply because it is American.
Because if you stop and can accept that America as a nation is or can do what it is fundamentally opposed to, then either the government has
essentially been taken over, society within America has given away its morality and control, or both.
The later is a greater shock; one that many individuals would not know how to deal with personally or nationally.
It took a lot of slow contemplation over time for me to realize that despite the greatness of America, its intent and what it does, there can and is
corruption within and needs to be checked and challenged or else we will wake up to a situation that is hopeless. It may be too late.