posted on May, 16 2010 @ 01:01 AM
What a better way to introduce my current pet topic than on a forum...Let me just start out by saying that I am a die hard fan of the "awake" if and
only if because I have been privy to a few extraordinary experiences of my own but I also have a keen interest in just about, well, everything...but
especially things that would seem paranormal to most folks and as all of y'all know, those two go hand in hand in more ways than one, if and only if
because you usually at least have to be aware of things to perceive them (ok, that might be a little bit of bs but you get my drift). My favs are the
entire history/every sweet succulent morsel I can find on UFO's/antigravity/Free Energy/alternate fields//dimensions/Ark of the
Covenant/transhumanism/AI/bionics/ghosts/crop circles/cyrptoarchaeology/religious beliefs/evil conspiracies/etc. ad infinitum...
But this morning, my mentioned topic is an idea that I've been chewing on for a minute and I really think that it's too much for one man to handle
alone so I figured I'd get some fires going and get some help in digesting it. I have some devilish ideas built up and so will be regurgitating
those on the big kids table once I move on but just to get things started...I just want to preface it with why I finally got on here:
Off Topic material removed
Talk amongst yourselves.
[edit on 16-5-2010 by Razer1073]
The Introduction Forum is for introductions To tell something about you; not to start a thread about a topic.“Intro threads” that are
really “topic threads” will be removed.
Please Review, Welcome to ATS, it’s time to introduce yourself.
[edit on 16/5/2010 by Sauron]