posted on May, 15 2010 @ 02:17 PM
I don't know if this has been widely speculated about before, but given the fact that the U.S. Supreme Court holds a massive amount of power and that
its members are appointed for life by the president, isn't there a likely risk that a shady, power-hungry executive branch would stage some sort of
attack on the Court in order to assassinate all nine of its members at once?
Given what we know about the radical Obama administration and its aspirations, I can't help but to think they would love the chance to replace the
entire court with justices of their activist political leanings and have the power to more or less permanently reshape the American civic landscape
regardless of what may happen in future elections.
Is there anything in place to fairly handle a situation like a "terrorist" gas attack on the Supreme Court that would prevent a partisan
administration from gaining that kind of unbalanced control?
It seems to me that if this doesn't occur by November and the Republicans do make the expected large gains in Congress that their number one priority
ought to be legislating term limits for Supreme Court justices.