posted on May, 15 2010 @ 10:35 AM
This thread is in response to the immigration debate threads
I have posted this as my final stance (quite literally for the most part) in a majority of the immigration threads that are on the boards currently.
Although I prefer to give this stance it's own thread as to show this is the "bottom line" no matter how you slice it.
Alas, people and their petty differences, this is not "your land" to stake any claim of ownership on, nor is it "my land" to do so...
Here's the thing, there isn't one grain of sand on this Earth that has the right to be "claimed" by anyone. Where is it written that the Earth is
a piece of property, more so, how can any human, or ethnicity for that matter, consider it "just" to stake a claim to something that isn't and
never will be their property?
This is where "people" get confused and caught up in their minuscule existence in this vast Universe. The why and how of our existence is comprised
of many different origins based on one's belief. None the less, Earth was here long before you and chances are it will be here long after you.
Ownership of property (land or otherwise) is an illusion. I am 99.9% positive you won't be taking it with you when you "go". If that was the case,
there wouldn't be much of an Earth left as everyone would have taken their "little piece" with them.
This precious commodity that is our Earth, could be gone in the blink of an eye. Life is a gift, cherish it, and everything in it, your time to do so
is but a drop in the bucket.
Oddly enough, we consider ourselves to be the most intelligent creatures on this Planet.
Edit to add:
As I am sure it will be approached soon enough,
On the subject of Governance.
I realize there has to be a hierarchy in place. However therein lies the issue with a hierarchy. I understand their has to be a form of governance.
Even in the animal kingdom there are hierarchies, the difference is, these are for survival of the species, not for personal gain.
This is where our species has missed the mark IMO. We have become so enveloped in capitalism and thus have become a species that would rob his/her
Mother to get ahead. Instead of working to better the species we're focused on filling our pockets. Which will eventually be to our demise as history
has shown multiple times in the past.
[edit on 5/15/2010 by UberL33t]