posted on Mar, 8 2003 @ 01:12 AM
...But the main reason that the US fought the "first" Gulf War was to get Sodamn Insane out of Kuwait & chased back to his own country...It was an
act of defense against Insane's military invasion. That goal was accomplished & stands well within the boundries of the UN Charter.
Currently though, Iraq's military has not begun any kind of invasion nor has his atrocities against his own people been a problem that has *crossed
his borders*...He does *not* have the military capability to strike the US without risking direct NATO attack.
Therefore, I agree that the UN *must* clarify the terms of their earlier resolutions before Bush can *legally* war on Iraq. This also means that,
without such *legal* backing, Bush should stand the risk of arrest for UN trial if he goes ahead without UN approval.
As much as I'd like to see Sodamn Insane ousted, it should still be done *legally* to avoid getting the US on the wrong side of the *rest of the
world*, the way Hitler did for starting WWII. I have no desire to be on the wrong side of WWIII, with the US being seen as no better than becoming the
"Fourth Reich"...Supporting such a Fourth Reich should not even be an attitude coming from a US patriot.