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Google Says It Mistakenly Collected Data on Web Usage

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posted on May, 14 2010 @ 11:10 PM

Originally posted by Nutter

Originally posted by Dr Conspire
How many bytes does a ten line post eat up?
Why sometimes do I have to type really slow when posting?
If I type fast the words get jumbled?
Am i being monitored?

I've thought the same thing. One question though.

Are you using a laptop?

I found out that my laptop wouldn't keep up with my typing if it was not on the power cord. Some kind of power saving ability?
This is my second attempt in thanking you for taking the time to address my query.
Guess what the first time my laptop on ac froze and I had to reboot, and yes my typing went out of whack.
I will post this now but
Anyway, most likely it's just your comp.

Edit: Although, if you don't have a password on your wifi, maybe many people are stealing it from you. Therefore slowing down your connection.

[edit on 14-5-2010 by Nutter]

Iam using a laptop and its on AC.
This is my third attempt to reply to you.
I have rebooted once the second time my typing just disappeared.
No Iam not pulling the chain.
My original reply to you asked the question how many bytes does an average post upload?
I have posted approx twelve posts this session and have according to my trusted staus screen uploaded 8mb of data.

posted on May, 15 2010 @ 12:13 AM
How exactly does one "accidentally" collect wireless data when one is there to take photographs? Does the camera and computer equipment automatically download the info or something? I'm somewhat tech savvy and I'm having a difficult time figuring this out. Also for Google to admit anything must mean there's a bad screwup just under the surface somewhere. Google is becoming very frightening.

posted on May, 15 2010 @ 12:33 AM

Originally posted by PatesHatriots
How exactly does one "accidentally" collect wireless data when one is there to take photographs? Does the camera and computer equipment automatically download the info or something? I'm somewhat tech savvy and I'm having a difficult time figuring this out. Also for Google to admit anything must mean there's a bad screwup just under the surface somewhere. Google is becoming very frightening.

On more tan one occasion the camera still?video function of my pc has been enabled whilst on two seperate websites.
I believe malavolent trolls who are in most likleihood sociopaths have deviously infiltrated my Pc.
Sometimes my disk drive whirs and my Hd drive lights up.
You have to be on your guard without paranoia.

posted on May, 15 2010 @ 01:24 AM

Originally posted by Dr Conspire
Does the camera and computer equipment automatically download the info or something?

Well I'd look at it this way, the camera car is a computing unit comprising of many things, you got the camera of course, a bunch of computing stuff - most likely high end laptop grade components and a massive amount of data storage capability.

Now the camera does what it does (take pics) and the engine does what it does (moves the whole unit)...... This thing is basically designed to suck up all the data that it (legally?) get it's hands on.

I put legally in brackets there, I think that's important now I think about it - this is a fairly new approach to make main stream (underground similar smaller scale things have been happening for years)... So the legality? Well it's a new vista, it's untested in law, law is too slow for this sort of innovation... They really are just going out there and grabbing stuff that is freely available, much the same as you could do with a funky smart phone and on your own street if you so chose to. - The difference is the almost military grade organisation that has gone into Google's efforts.... But damn, I gotta say if your gonna do something, do it good, Google do things well (for better or worse? another topic).

So really it's a case of they are going out there to suck up one sort of data (pictures for street view) - so they multi tasked the vehicles by adding the wifi sniffing capability - and maybe more - it's actually a logical step, economical and that information is, as the world stands right now, as much free game as the image of your front door.

posted on May, 15 2010 @ 02:03 AM
Every time you use a regular search engine, your search data are recorded.
Your search terms, the time of your visit, the links you choose, your IP address and your User ID cookies all get stored in a database. Everytime you search through google they log your ip address and yes I mean it everytime. Best to use search engines like they dont log your IP and are much safer to use.

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 12:19 AM

Originally posted by Crimson_King
Every time you use a regular search engine, your search data are recorded.
Your search terms, the time of your visit, the links you choose, your IP address and your User ID cookies all get stored in a database. Everytime you search through google they log your ip address and yes I mean it everytime. Best to use search engines like they dont log your IP and are much safer to use.

Startpage looks ok thanks for the tip.

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 12:25 AM
reply to post by Crimson_King

Unfortuately this will not work in your search bar. I tried searching for TEST on Startpage, then using that to make it my default, but no dice

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 07:24 PM
Everything is recorded, everything.

Data mining and harvesting is what it's all about.

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