(From one of my threads/other posts... I thought perhaps you would find this information interesting...)
In Genesis Chapter 11 I was going over the ages of the men mentioned therein and when they had their first child. They equal:
100, 35, 30, 34, 30, 32, 30, 29, 70 which equals 390. I then thought, what if the first persons age was a primer. That would mean the answer is 290.
I then decided to add 666 to each of those numbers… 666 plus 390 equals 1056 and 666 plus 290 equals = 956. After I did that, I’m looking at
those numbers and I was like… they don’t equal a damn thing… what a waste of time. Yet as I’m staring at the numbers I quietly added them up
in my head and thought, oh shhh… 1056 plus 956 equals 2012.
Now, I’m the first to admit there is no way in hell the human creator of Genesis knew anything about the Gregorian Calendar. However, the Catholic
Church sure as hell knew about those numbers and sure as hell purposely created the Gregorian Calendar. And I’m like… what are the odds!!! What
are the odds that I’m the only person in all of recorded history to find these numbers. For me the answer is a big fat ZERO!!! Which means there
must’ve been someone in the past, before our new calendar was created who discovered these numbers. And we know from history it could’ve only
been the Church or Noble/Rich people… period!!!
This rabbit hole keeps getting weirder and weirder… And these are the only things I’m letting out of the hole for now… There is so much more
I’ve discovered, and I’m like… NO WAY IN HELL!!! Like if the Bible is correct and the second coming of Christ MUST HAPPEN no later then one
generation after the creation of Israel, or no later then 2018/2037*… then the anti-christ or avenging angel (Jesus said he’s not going to reveal
himself until the end) each were either born in 1954, 1943, 1965, 1960 or 1948 (plus or minus 11/6 from 1954)... Or from this starting date… 1971,
1960, 1982, 1977 or 1965. Now obviously 1965 comes up twice… so that is a date to watch… However I would be willing to bet that almost all of
those fake people calling themselves Christ, the Anti-Christ, God or Satan, that their birthdates are somewhere in those years mentioned above. But
it gets even weirder still. Not to mention do we add the two years mentioned at the beginning of Chapter 11? Did the Catholic Church add those two
years? Add two years to each of those dates mentioned above and what happened in those years?
(*) According to biblical scholars 1 bible generation equals 70 years… and if the bible is 100 percent correct when it comes to biblical prophecy
(And I believe that it has been)… then the date for the second coming has to be within those two time frames… 2018 (actually/maybe 2017... the UN
voted to accept the concept of Israel ((started the process of bringing Israel into existence)) in 1947 plus 70 years equals 2017) However… Israel
did not officially proclaim itself until 1948. Or as some of the arguments I‘ve read suggests… the Bible could’ve been referring to the city of
Jerusalem which became completely owned by Israel after the 6 Day War in 1967, to which we must add 70 years which equals 2037. Yet that whole 2012
thingy keeps coming up… Which to me suggest (only suggests) 2017/2018 could in fact be all the time we have left.
Here are the numbers broken down so everyone can see how I came to the dates mentioned within this thread.
Numbers From Genesis Chapter 11.
Names Age First Son (AFS) Years Lives AFS Age At Death
Shem 100 500 600
Arphaxed 35 403 438
Salah 30 403 433
Eber 34 430 464
Peleg 30 209 239
Reu 32 207 239
Serug 30 200 230
Nahor 29 119 148
Terah 70 135 205
_______ _______ ________
Sub Total 390 2606 2996
Shem 290 2106 2396
Terah 220
1971 2191
Subtract Duel/Triple Ages 300 1800 2313
Subtract Terah/Shem and Duel Date from total age
Add 666 to 390 and 290 1056/956
Add those numbers together
There are many more dates that can be found within those numbers that equal important years in human history. It truly does depend on how you want to
work the numbers. Now, the question becomes is this simply playing with numbers, or does this equal anything important? To me, they equal nothing
but spooky cawinkadinks… however, I have to admit they could equal something to powerful occultist people throughout history. I know there are many
who will believe these numbers are extremely important in trying to understand secret societies. I post this here because these numbers truly mean
nothing to me when it comes to secret societies. However they are starting to equal, to me, perhaps there is something to all this 2012 hype... Yet
I also figured there might be some within ATS who would like to play with these numbers… I do however find these dates (as mentioned above in
previous posts) 1971 and 1952 very interesting.. (Plus or minus 6/11 years… Example 1952... 1941 Pearl Harbor, 1963 JFK Assassination. when you add
in the two years)
If we are living in the end times as the Bible demands that we are… Then those dates could in fact be the years the anti-christ and the avenging
angel were born. I believe, if that is true… then the anti-christ would have to be born first, so as to build up his minions before the avenging
angel is sent down (born) to defeat him.
I realize this is one heck of story, and perhaps a masterful playing on numbers to reach a conclusion. I can’t argue that point, however, I cannot
dismiss the fact that those numbers could in fact equal something significant to some extremely powerful people. It is a historical fact that the
Catholic Church went out of its way to create the Gregorian Calendar… To what end, perhaps we have just discovered that truth, or at least a clue as
to the real answer. I would strongly suggest you people play with the numbers to see what else you can find… A hint is to pick any Age you want to
subtract from the totals, and then plus or minus 6/11... The answers are going to shock the heck out of you… I know they shocked the heck out of
(*Now I post this here as an addendum to what you posted... In order to follow along the logic of this post, outside of what is mentioned in this
thread... please go to this
Charles Marcello