posted on May, 13 2010 @ 09:59 PM
I love conspiracy theories. I even believe some of them. I fully believe in the NWO, comprised of the CFR, Bilderberg Group and others. There is
something really drives me crazy though: with very few exceptions, every time I sit down to read a great conspiracy book, I cannot get more than 100
pages in before the author starts ranting about the Jews.
This goes for websites too. Why they hell can they not see the Jews are not in control? Why can they not see that the new world order goes far beyond
ethnicity and nationality?
If Jews were in control, would there have been the Holocaust? Would there be any conflict with the Palestinians? I would have to say not likely.
Lest this come off as a rant (I admit that it is in a way), I would like to propose a theory: Is it possible that the NWO groups foment anti-Semitism
to distract people from the real conspiracy?
[edit on 13-5-2010 by InvisibleAlbatross]