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Rise up through unification

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posted on May, 13 2010 @ 07:17 PM
Im making this thread because i know its the right thing to do. I know not everyone agrees, but they should.

Im not going to force anyone to believe anything, but if you have one lurking suspicion that this might be the case, you should be on our side.

By our side i mean us the people. The government let it go too far.

We are a human race. If these people want to unite us globally as one, they need to do it the right way.

Globalization is not a bad thing, but the way they are doing it is completely inhumane and wrong.

Its time to stand up. Im going to give you guys two simple videos. These videos should be more than enough to convince you of what happened that day.

Here is a video of an expert. He is a dutch demolitions expert. If you havent watched these videos you need to watch them.

This first video is his reaction to the first two towers collapsing:

Im giving you this video for two reasons. The first reason, to show you that i am not biased and showing you EVERY bit of evidence, unlike loose change.

The second reason, is to show you that the film is unbiased and doing a interview with someone who is forming his own opinion on the spot. His reactions are hard to disprove. Here is the second, and more important video:

As you can see, he and most other *experts* have never heard of tower 7. His reactions are the same reactions most of us got when we watched tower 7 collapse. Nobody heard of it because the media wont cover it. Its the smoking gun here. NIST cant explain it and the media wont touch it. I dont care if you hate Alex Jones, Bush, Obama or Dylan Avery, lets look past the politics here.

This isnt about left or right or political scandals, this is about truth. If you are going to tell me that this is a fib perpetrated by a bunch of kooks then i think you are a kook.

The world is getting overcomplicated, and you really dont need to make things very complicated to understand a simple concept.

But you know what, dont listen to me. Im just a dumbass on the internet. What you SHOULD be doing is going up to people in the related field and interviewing them about WTC 7.

In fact, do it exactly as this interview does. Its the best way to argue our case. My friend is studying to become a firefighter, and he said the more he studied the more he didnt believe the government story. I showed him the videos. At first he was calling me crazy but hes my best friend so it didnt really offend me to bad. But now, as hes learning about fire and structural integrity, hes convinced that we are being lied to.

Another important note: I am not claiming anything. I am simply asking you to understand the concept and take a look.

I will be going around and interviewing people. I will make a youtube account and post it on this thread so you can use it for reference.

Basically, i am going to do exactly what popular mechanics said they did: Interview the experts.

If im the only one doing it, so be it. 100 years later people will look back and see that i did the right thing. But hopefully, humanity can come together on this issue and bring the truth out to the public.

This is a call and urgency to everyone in the entire world. If you know something we dont, say it. Leak the info. THe people are upset, and they arent going to shutup until the truth is told.

That is all.

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 08:00 PM
What it boils down to, and it doesn't get much simpler than this:


Buildings can't do that without all of the support columns being severed at the exact same time. Fire can't do that, that's why CD companies don't use fire.

Not a single person can refute this fact, no matter what NIST or anyone else says.

Great thread.

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by _BoneZ_
What it boils down to, and it doesn't get much simpler than this:


Buildings can't do that without all of the support columns being severed at the exact same time. Fire can't do that, that's why CD companies don't use fire.

Not a single person can refute this fact, no matter what NIST or anyone else says.

Once again, just how did you say that claim will get you a "new" investigation?

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 09:11 PM

Originally posted by _BoneZ_
What it boils down to, and it doesn't get much simpler than this:


Buildings can't do that without all of the support columns being severed at the exact same time. Fire can't do that, that's why CD companies don't use fire.

Not a single person can refute this fact, no matter what NIST or anyone else says.

Great thread.

Although i know how you feel in your views its important for people to see the testimony of *experts*. If you show an expert the above .gif, their response would be the single most important response. Not only that, but if they conclude its a controlled demolition, the media and popular mechanics will have no choice but to check it out.

Rather than documenting he said/she saids, we need to actually go out there and interview these people.

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 11:40 PM
Amen and amen. I've been thinking about this for a while now. I apologize in advance that I am ignoring the 911 portion of this thread...not because I agree or disagree, but I feel the underlying theme is much more important.

The government has an infrastructure in place that seeks only to divide the people. This infrastructure is strong...and has stood for years. It could even be a branch from Illuminati plans that have stood for hundreds or even thousands of years.

This infrastructure consists of the media, people, countries, leaders, entertainment, etc. It manifests itself through a myriad of distractions with which you are all familiar.

The ONLY way to fight it is to stand together unified. For me...nothing holds a larger truth than that. Recognize the diversions and focus on unity.

posted on May, 14 2010 @ 09:17 AM
Slight problem with your request to "rise up through unification"- the 9/11 conspiracy movement is NOT, nor has it EVER, based its actions upon sound review of the facts. It's uniformly been based upon whatever abject paranoia the individual conspiracy theorist has. It's not any search for the truth, it's seeing the patterns they want to see in a series of unrelated events, like one great big Rorschach test.

All you need to do is read the posts here to see this yourself. Some people think it's some secret gov't within a gov't cabal, others think it's the CIA, still others think it's the military industrial complex, and others think it's the work of the Jewish World order. Other people think it's the work of the Masons, and I've even seen some people claim it's the work of a secret cult of Satan worshipping numerologists. This person thinks there were nukes in the basement of the WTC. That person thinks the WTC was destroyed by lasers from outer space. Of course, everyone who comes to these boards to refute these conspiracies are all secret government disinformation agents send to spy on you. Apparently the only people who actually are innocent of the 9/11 attack is Al Qaida.

So, either the 9/11 attack had been staged by a secret cult of Satan worshipping Jewish astronauts who sell oil for the CIA, or, these conspiracy theorists are bringing their own individual imagined angsts into the mix. You'll forgive me when I claim it's the latter, after seeing all the conspiracy people here getting into fist fights amongst themselves becuase they can't agree to what this "blatantly a conspiracy" actually is. You can see right away that all they're doing is is making up stuff off the top of their heads so there isn't a Paris Hilton getting an Emmy's chance that they can ever be unified.

Don't believe me? Go ahead and post that no planes hit the World Trade Center, and see what happens.

posted on May, 14 2010 @ 12:29 PM

Originally posted by demonseed

Originally posted by _BoneZ_

Although i know how you feel in your views its important for people to see the testimony of *experts*. If you show an expert the above .gif, their response would be the single most important response. Not only that, but if they conclude its a controlled demolition, the media and popular mechanics will have no choice but to check it out.

Rather than documenting he said/she saids, we need to actually go out there and interview these people.

If an expert can determine the exact cause of a building collapse by looking at a 3 second video and in the course of that 3 seconds give expert testimony of the causes of the building's collapse then I would not consider that expert as a reliable source. No matter what they said.

posted on May, 14 2010 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by demonseed

I applaud your stated intention to " interview the experts " but I have to say that, from your op, you appear to be starting off with a strong bias.

So far as what people will think in 100 years, the truth is no-one will care. Have you been concerned lately as to who blew up the Maine in Havana harbour ? Said by some to be the US government seeking an excuse to intervene in Cuba :-

posted on May, 15 2010 @ 01:20 AM

Originally posted by Alfie1
reply to post by demonseed

I applaud your stated intention to " interview the experts " but I have to say that, from your op, you appear to be starting off with a strong bias.

So far as what people will think in 100 years, the truth is no-one will care. Have you been concerned lately as to who blew up the Maine in Havana harbour ? Said by some to be the US government seeking an excuse to intervene in Cuba :-

your right, i have a bias. But ive already gone over it in my head as to how to approach this issue. I will leave my bias at the door and allow the experts to say whatever they like. I will bring forth the claims and they can explain it how they see fit. I am confident that when they see WTC 7 they will start at the very least questioning the story.

Lets be honest here, most people do not know about tower 7. Thats the real debate here.

posted on May, 15 2010 @ 02:53 AM
reply to post by demonseed

You do realize that the whole entire subject is hotter than a firecracker right now. Getting anyone with a real job to lose, to talk is going to be a tough cookie to crack.

MSM sources can barely get anything more than the "ok to say" lines praising the official story (all the while making wise cracks about CT'ers), let alone some no name guy who's gonna put them straight on you tube.

All I'm saying is don't be surprised, you might be better off going for the off the record comments.

posted on May, 15 2010 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by PersonalChoice
reply to post by demonseed

You do realize that the whole entire subject is hotter than a firecracker right now. Getting anyone with a real job to lose, to talk is going to be a tough cookie to crack.

MSM sources can barely get anything more than the "ok to say" lines praising the official story (all the while making wise cracks about CT'ers), let alone some no name guy who's gonna put them straight on you tube.

All I'm saying is don't be surprised, you might be better off going for the off the record comments.

well if your right, then thats very sad. I guess theres not much to hope for here.....

but well see...

posted on May, 15 2010 @ 05:37 PM
I don't post much in the 9/11 forum anymore because I have pretty much said everything I have to say on the subject. I became a member in 2007 at ATS because this seemed to me to be the best forum in which to express opinions and learn facts about 9/11.

People who know my posts will know that I am a "truther" and believe that 9/11 was an inside job. Personally, although I might quibble with Alex Jones or Webster B. Tarpley on this or that detail, their takes on 9/11 pretty much match my own. I won't go into that here.

One of the most important things I have learned in this whole process is that the usual forensic methods by which evidence is gathered in criminal cases are set aside when the suspect in the case is the government, which controls all of the investigating and prosecuting agencies.

Criminal investigation in such cases takes second place to job one, which is the political job of reinstating honest government. The good news is that reinstating honest government is something that every American can get to work on in every city, town and hamlet in the United States.

When Americans have a government that truly expresses the will of that great and generous people, issues like 9/11, the wars in the middle east, the exporting of American jobs, the energy crisis and sundry other issues great and small will be resolved in ways that most people in the world will be happy to live with.

If the American people do not overcome the control that the oligarchy of the wealthy exerts over every important aspect of decision making in the United States, then the 21st century may top the 20th century as the bloodiest in the history of humanity. It's already off to a good start.

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 08:59 PM

Originally posted by ipsedixit

One of the most important things I have learned in this whole process is that the usual forensic methods by which evidence is gathered in criminal cases are set aside when the suspect in the case is the government, which controls all of the investigating and prosecuting agencies.

And therein lies the fundamental flaw of 9/11 Truther beliefs: that somehow, magically, and automatically the "government is the suspect." This is the "house of cards" of the 9/11 Truth Movement, a decision made barely a day after 9/11 that "9/11 was an inside job", that the government was responsible, and none of you ever looked back or gave that claim a second thought.

It is so ingrained in the premise for "9/11 Truth" that even questionning that premise is heresy. "How could it be otherwise?", Truthers exclaim in astonishment.

What we skeptics have always recognized is that claim is neither supported by the evidence or logic. What we understand is that what we know about the 9/11 attacks comes from a convergent of multiple lines of independent evidence involving thousands of independent people and independent lines of evidence converging on one conclusion that never originated with, nor was controlled by, the "government." Nor could be controlled by the government.

Anybody, any Truther, willing to sit down and think carefully and honestly about the prerequisites and implications of the claims made against the "government" will come to the realization that any of the claims made against the government cannot possibly have happened, or guaranteed to be successful as you all claim it could and did.

9/11 "Truth" is a house of cards built on quicksand.

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