posted on May, 13 2010 @ 11:05 AM
Hi all, I just watched the time travel show with steven hawkings... in the show it shows a spacecraft that travels for 100 years but the people inside
only age by 10 years due to the fact its traveling close to the speed of light and therefore time goes slower
Now just a thought that i got from this and i will try my best to explain
lets say we built a vacuum glass tube that circled a football field, and inside this glass tube we have a glass pod with a person inside of it. In
the pod the person has a tv and pc and some other gadgets. Now according to steven hawkings show, if that pod was traveling close to the speed of
light then everything inside would only age by 10 years every 100 years due to time been slowed down right
Alright that is all easy, the reason its glass is cause you must be able to see in and out. The reason it only travels round a foot ball field is so
that things dont become to complicated "keep it small and simple for the example"
Now the tricky part: Lets say on top of the pod there was a lazer shining out in order to communicate with people outside the tube. Its shining up so
it not affected by the speed of the pod, now if this laser was connect to the PC transferring data all the time, well then technically the data that
comes out of the pod should be no older than 10 years old... Now if the person inside the pod can see out and its 100years forward, well then surely
he would be communicating with the past if the data that he is sending out is no older than 10 years ?
So basically he is looking out and its 100years from when it all started, however everything inside is only 10 years old, so when he sends data out,
he should be writing about what he sees in the future.
Any one that could put this to rest so i could stop thinking about it would be great
[edit on 13-5-2010 by bluedrake]