posted on May, 13 2010 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by silent thunder
I know exactly what you are describing because I too have been feeling this exactly. In fact, I've been considering posting this myself but haven't
because I didn't think I could make my thoughts come out right. This has never happened to me before and I'm starting to be really concerned about
it because it started with me about 3 days ago. I just feel like crap mentally - even to the point that I took the day off of work today because of
it. I try to read threads here on ATS and I want to respond to some of them and start to but then realize I can't get my thoughts together enough to
do it. For some reason, it's just too hard and not worth the effort so I give up.
I've considered a lot of medical reasons that I don't think apply, namely, nutrition, stroke, etc... I've had a headache too and I hardly ever get
those. I want to know what's going on because I HATE this feeling... I really, really do...
Sorry for the rambling on but, like I said, I'm mentally befuddled at the moment.