ran out of space again.
so i blew it up at a photo place, and there he was, i was a bit pissed like why did she lie, and those little boots, dam looks familar.
she freaked when i showed her, she said what are you doing with my picture, im like its not yours its of my dad.
what does this have to do with anything.
well what doesnt it have to do with it.
medical, millitary, family, pictures, memories,
even though memories are a bit swiss chees they are getting better.
thing also is the older ones invovled are not of good moral fiber.
if you watch men who stare at goats you may notice them talking about a curse for crossing a line, its true the do suffer from that in a way, i do not
probley because i was a victim of such things and did not cross those lines of manipulating another human beings mind and memories.
oh when i say ive gotta give it a rest its getting to me is not from a headache, its more of a kinda vertigo, or pressure, like ears popping.
the other one mentioned the other day we are the only two left, well kinda.
kinda sucks because i may be the only one inocent, that is why i had a hard time even accepting this due to the thought what is my life worth, who am
i to think im worth enough to destroy maybe 10-20 others lives just to prove my inocence when the crime is classified,,,,,,,,,,,,,i realized then what
they had at there disposal and what they could potentialy do with it if not taught properly as well as dealing with the bad ones.
Thing is when i started to realize what happend i rememberd that i took a fall for a group because i was the only one without priors and was young.
as well as my record, etc, it was thought that it would be easy and they would make sure i was taken care of until the sentance was done, but instead
they just used me for a dumping ground, so many things it would be impossible for one person to do.
such as drug dealing, assasinations, brainwashing, interigations, tortures, etc.
anyways thing is maybe they outsiders knew one was inocent and actualy trying to destroy some of it, not all but the bad apples gotta go.
im not one like Rogue Warrior, or STareing at Goats, im not in it for money
i was left with doing what i can online.
and well i dont know why the USA Army and Navy have not come to me, nor listend, ohya its above there paygrade until you get up to Colonel i
you see my getting what is mine would meen a few alcoholic drug addicts that just want to have a good time until they die would loose there monthly
check os around 3,000.
So the coverup is on several parts, and the ones hemming me up are vets.
some have been honest but not to others unless in private.
i dont out them for reasons of honor, but that honor has a dishonorable taint and that is why im coming out like this and allowing imaginitive things
to flow, as it turns out someof the imaginative stuff is real, go figure.
one even said it to a few in a social setting several times, he is the most arrogant but at least he was honest, he and another.
hurts to see them so drunk and looking for the next carnal thing to cover there pain.
but to sit there and listen to a man that wore a beret, say its true you are and have been in combat with the best, as in ya The Best.
all of them are 10-20 years my senior.
whoda thunk it was a boy that was the moral compass as well as other things, no wonder they went nutty, imagine if you parents were children and you
wanted to party you heart out, it would be easy right, what would you have to do send them off to boarding school, after all its there paycheck.
ya that is it in a nut shell on some levels.
there was one that i know of that was on one of my ops, the one right before some of what happend happend, this goes into some very sensitive area's
and is why im being so public about it, it is more than myself, it has to do with the towers, it has to do with why some needed me out so they can do
what they want, basicly im the one they fear crossing.