20 years ago I began my career in Catering In Buckinghamshire, England.
I'm from Northern Ireland and with the antics of the Terroists on both sides, there was little investment and huge unemployment.
I noticed a job for a trainee Chef in the local newspaper, it was for a Bar & Grill in Southern England, I applied and and at the age of 19 I
struck out on my own.
The Job was hard but the owner gave me a house to live in with other young people from all over the UK and paid for me to study at college every
[god bless you Mr & Mrs M
In addition to Cheffing I was tasked with "front of house" duties and that is when the adventure soured
When I was pulling pints in the bar or taking orders for the Grill, a few people, would treat me like a second class citizen either by outright
hatred by saying that "I was taking a job that should be filled by someone from the local Town" or by Stern looks and hushed whispers of me
being a possible Irish Terrorist!
this passed after a few months once they got to know that I WAS a friendly young idiot, but NOT a terrorist, lol
The Adventures of Airport Security PRE 9/11
When I was flying back home for a visit to friends & family, the people bound for the Irish Flights would be detained in a special area removed from
the usual boarding area.
Instead of a flight announcer in the area, there was usually 2 plain clothes policemen double checking boarding cards and asking the reason for your
They would check your carry-on luggage and observe the people in the area until the flight boarded, this all happened AFTER the usual check-in
procedure, this level of high suspicion I agreed with since there was a terrorist threat from my home country, but after the freedom of living in
England it reminded me of the problems of the home i was about to return to.
The reason for this thread is to express my admiration of other young people who come to the UK to make a better life for themselves, they are
taking jobs that others do not want to do and helping the local and national economy and often working at below the minimal wage for long hours.
I do agree that there are some bad apples who are plain lazy & who want to milk the system or involved with crime, but please don't let the actions
of a few idiots paint your view for the rest that are contributing to the country.
The Government needs to take action against the criminals and the greedy, but we, as a people, need to be alert to the media brainwashing everybody
into thinking that foreign workers are in your country to either blow you up, steel your jobs or destroy your culture.
20 years ago I started my career in England, I loved the place simply because I was free from the turmoil of Northern Ireland, I would suspect that
the people who look for work in another Country feel a similar relief to be away from the problems in their home-countries and are ready and
willing to contribute to making their adopted country a better place.