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Perfect song for this site.

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posted on May, 12 2010 @ 10:22 AM

This is a free country! Fascists of all secs bore me.

Fascist Christians.
Fascist Muslims.
Thought crimes, etc.
Being afraid to post my theories as then, one of the above groups up high might come after me. Abuse of the patriot act!
I'm a free American and I need not be afraid.

2012 will not be the end. It will be the begging of the new man and (as close as you can get) world wide Utopia. (That is if the middle east can get their # together.)

May GOD and the Ubiquitous, Quantum, Artificial Intelligent, Conscious Beings that are aligned with GOD, protect me. As I am riotous, and I do no harm!

What do you think? Perfect song for the site?

I figured out that I'm a hermetic, Buddhist and I praise GOD.

I dedicate this song to the mods and "Them".
I'm not like them
But I can pretend
The sun is gone,
But I have a light
The day is done,
I'm having fun
I think I'm dumb
Or maybe just happy

Think I'm just happy (x3)

My heart is broke
But I have some glue
Help me inhale
And mend it with you
We'll float around
And hang out on clouds
Then we'll come down
And have a hangover

Have a hangover (x3)

Skin the sun
Fall asleep
Wish away
soul is cheap
Lesson learned
Wish me luck
Soothe the burn
Wake me up

I'm not like them
But I can pretend
The sun is gone,
But I have a light
the day is done,
I'm having fun
I think I'm dumb
Or Maybe just happy

Think I'm just happy (x3)

I think I'm Dumb (x12)

[edit on 12-5-2010 by Theone2000]


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