posted on May, 13 2010 @ 02:05 AM
Forget that it's about obama..
Lets say the court of public opinion was the NHL..
When the star players of the Washington "DC Mafia" team are being threatened on ice, the coach resorts to the same old tactic every hockey fan of
every team can see from the cheap seats: They send out the goons, the checking line.. on a mission to protect their star players by intimidating the
other team with an old fashioned beat-down.
In this instance NHL phenom Wayne Gretzky is obama, and cooper is Marty McSorley... sent to drop the gloves & clobber anyone who dare challenge "The
great one".
Ignore which party leader or politician is the subject of scandal, focus on the historical pattern of how the MSM/political establishment tries to
protect those ultimately found guilty while discrediting & destroying all critics.. or threats to power... remember how gw bush treated war critics?
or the clintons did re: the blow job incident?
Anything that poses a real threat to expose some ugly elitist truth, it seems, gets a media moniker that just happens to sound kinda gay, shady, or
weird.. like: "Birther", "Truther", "Tea-bagger", "terrorist" or "Conspiracy theorist".. Almost as lame as a "Trekkie".. name calling is
followed with verbal talking point dogma vomit from GOP & DNC clowns, THEN the MSM smearing starts using so called "trusted faces", AKA useful
idiots, like cooper.
Media elitists like coop who could care less about being accurate about 9/11, the war on drugs/terrorism/birtherism/conspriacyism... as long as those
divisive/disparaging talking point seeds get planted in the cranial fertilizer mush of divided & conquered American humanity.. or lack there of. GOP &
DNC party leader lies that kill 1 million innocent souls in our name, just doesn't seem to concern us much.. the recent whereabouts of Sandra
Bullocks husbands penis, well.. inquiring minds!! **BREAKING NEWS**