posted on May, 10 2010 @ 06:39 PM
I am proposing a new Rite for members of the AboveTopSecretSociety. (ATS^2)
Since there is not really any core program for conferring ATS^2 Degrees and Rites, this should necessarily be an appendant, or side, degree.
I believe we should name this first honorable Order after the loquacious Sir Francis Bacon, the cause of, and the solution to, all the world's
secretest societies.
Forthwith I pronounce all Members and Visitors to the ATS Secret Societies forum who choose to accept it to be recipients of the first honorable ATS^2
The Side Order of Bacon
To accept this honor all you need to do is to accept or refuse it, or do nothing at all, or do everything in any particular order.
I now declare this meeting of ATS^2 closed! Let's eat!