posted on May, 10 2010 @ 04:33 PM
...the world just duke it out? I mean, just all go to war because of every thing? Say because of dislikes, disagreeances, differences, burdens, and
overwelming stresses? I strongly buy now that the entire world, with me and you included, needs to get EVERY SINGLE DAMN THING off its chest and
settled once and for all. And may which of us turns out the strong be the final winners over whatever matters and issues and problems there be. Hell
freaking yes, one big all out, literal mash and bash where there is no rules in how to combat (and like no holds barred, no regard for any laws on
what choice of weapon can and can't be used, etc).
If the world would just duke it out for one day and one hour, don't you think world peace would finally be accomplished thereafter with no more
tensions raising throughout since everything would be settled?
I think in an all out war the losers would take their lose and leave it at that. I'm sure a good butt whooping would get all the spite out of the
hearts of certain.
Why keep tension built up in your heart? If the whole world would follow their hearts, then would all probelms be crushed.
[edit on 10-5-2010 by Tormentations]