posted on May, 10 2010 @ 03:23 PM
Hi there,
After reading the thread recently about why we should have adblocker and the likes disabled, well i disabled it!! (i didn't even realise i was
violating the t&c)
Then today i see one of those earn £50 an hour working from home bla bla bla, the website is www. Now
i dont think it takes much of a genius to work out this is absolute bs.
So either i'm missing a trick and i should be posting links or some crap to make money, or some ads are still making it through the net.
I appreciate it must be hard for you to monitor this, but im sure the company who you pay to take care of these things should be able to provide
legitimate adverts in this day and age.
That's my little rant over, i am now off to follow my dream of become an internet zillionaire posting links.