posted on May, 10 2010 @ 01:17 AM
It seems to me that this could be possible if the elite really works to it...but I doubt it would work since now we have the internet to uncover their
BS and anyway now most people hate the bankers... but eh you never know, when people are angry, they don't think clearly.
Event 1 : Germany kicks out Merkel
Possibility : She already lost the local elections, she have lost her majority, she could be kicked out. So this is a real possibility.
Event 2 : A nationalistic figure is elected and gets out of the EU.
Possibility : People are pissed at the EU, they are tired of globalism. This is a real possibility.
Event 3 : As a result, the EU collapse, tensions run high, the MSM works hard to pin this on the Germans.
Possibility : With the EU already on the brink of collapse, this would probably make it happen. People being in a depression, with riots, with enough
MSM lies, a portion of the population will buy it that it's because of the Germans that it collapsed... because the bank bailouts would have worked..
Hopefully people will not buy into this BS...but when people are out of a job and are asking for someone to get the blame, they will buy anything.
Event 4 : Due to a big increase in attacks on Germans around Europe, nationalistic anti-German movements around Europe take power, the nationalistic
German government say that they will not accept any threat against Germany and they increase the military budget by 200% and are kicked out of NATO by
the other elite controlled NATO members.
Possibility : If the elite would want to plan this, they could. Just put a few guys in governments around Europe that spew anti-German propaganda, run
the MSM anti-German propaganda 24/7 and stage a NATO kick out of Germany... even stage a few attacks on Germans in France and Poland... This mostly
depends on the people's reaction...if they believe in it. Stage some Nazi protests in France, do everything you can to make people remember
Poland too...the threat of nationalism in Germany...
Event 5 : The controlled governments of Europe build up their armies, then Germany or the ``ally`` coalition of Europe attacks Germany preemptively...
Possibility : All depends on the others events...
This was just a not very likely at all scenario I thought of... If the elite wanted to do it for the lulz... setting up Germany to start another big
war... they could do it this way... but it probably wouldn't work anyway because people have woken up to the scummy bankers.