reply to post by DISRAELI
Hi Disraeli
I see you’ve pointed out some of the original Hebrew prophetic source material used by the writer(s) of the Apocalypse (c. 69 CE) in Rev. chapter
6:12 ff ref: Judgment of Yisro’el during 1st failed Jewish War against Rome –
“And when the Ram opened the 6th Seal, lo, I saw: A Great Earthquake
Lo, the the Light of the Sun began to darken ,
Even to the blackness of Saq Cloth :
And behold, the Moon was changed to the colour of fresh Blood
And I looked, and lo, the Stars of Heaven fell to the earth
Even like ripe Figs are shaken to the ground by a stiff Wind.
Then lo, the Heavens started to roll themselves up
Even as a Scroll is tightly rolled up after reading
And the Mountains & Islands began to sink away from their places :
Then the Rulers occupying the Land hid themselves in the Cliffs
Along with all of their Captains & Foot-Soldiers
And men both slave & free began to climb into the rock Clefts.
And lo, from their hiding places, they screamed in Terror [to their gods], saying
Hide us from the Face[s] of Him who sits upon the Throne
And save us from the Terror of his Great Wrath which is come upon us!
For lo, the Day of YHWH hath arrived at long last
Wherein who shall be able to stand before his face[s]
Even in the Great & Terrible Day of his Coming ? “
The writer of ‘Revelation’ might also have been working from a secondary source as well viz. the Book of the Words of Henoch, Son of Jared ––
notice how it uses the same kind of theme, phrases, images and Midrashic borrowing of the same doom and gloom images from the Hebrew ‘prophetic’
texts e.g. Joel 2:31, Proto-Isaiah 34:4, Nahum 3:12, Proto-Isaiah 2:9, Proto-Isaiah 13:6-11 & Malachi 3:2 etc etc)
The 1 Henoch collection was compiled c. 300 BCE) and was found among the oldest of the Dead Sea Srolls and in the same 6-line stanzas (Qinah Lament
Metre) of the ‘Book of Revelation’
The Scroll of the Book of the Words of Henoch son of Jared to all the sons of light in the last Days.
The Days are nigh when YHWH the Mighty EL of Yisro'el, shall appear
Yea, he shall suddenly come forth in his Camp
Even from his holy habitation in the Heavens :
Lo, he shall be manifested in the strength of his Power
And shall march with his Feet upon Mount Sinai
With all of his hosts sitting at right Hand of his Power.
(This 6-line stanza was quoted in Jude 1:14)
For behold, he comes with Myriads of his Holy Ones with him ,
To execute judgment upon the sinners
And to destroy the evil ones from the face[s] of the Land [of Yisro'el] :
And in that day when he destroys the Wicked,
He shall condemn all the sinners for all their acts
even what the ungodly have committed against his Elect [Ones].
Then all flesh which dwells upon the Earth shall fear
Yea, the Watchers shall all shake with Terror
For lo, trembling shall seize all the Holy Ones of Heaven :
The lofty mountains shall shake in that day,
And behold, the high hills shall all be brought low
Yea, they shall all melt like a honeycomb in the flame.
The whole Earth shall be rent in twain iin that Day
when all things breathing upon the earth shall perish
even while The Judgment shall come upon all sinners :
Yea, a terrible Plague shall be sent down to them from heaven
And lo, it shall attack all the wicked that occupy the Land [of Yisro'el]
In order that his Vengeance might be executed upon them.
Then the wicked ones shall be hurled into the Firey Judgment
And shall every one of them perish utterly in the Flames
When all the sinners shall be annihilated in the Day of Vengeance :
Yea, they shall all perish in the General Condemnation
And shall each one of them fall by the Sword of his Fury
And with the Blasphemers they shall be cut down by the edge of the Blade.
Then shall follow the Great & Terrible Judgement
Which shall be carried out by his Angels of Vengeance
Who stand ever by his side in the eternal Heavens :
Yea, they shall pronounce all the Decrees of Condemnation
Against all the sinners & unrightous ones upon the Land
even they who deign Oppression & Violence against his Chosen Ones.
And when his angels of Destruction will carry out his Sentence against them
Lo, the sinful among the sons of Adam will tremble in terror
Yea, all the unrighteous shall be confounded in that Day :
Even those who despised His Covenant of Peace
they shall run to and fro in disarray and panic
Even when the blasphemers of haShem start to perish.
For on that Day the Cycles of the Seasons shall cease altogether
Yea, the Sun & Moon will abandon their accustomed orbits
And shall remain motionless in their places in the Firmament.
Even the Great Constellations shall veer from their paths
Yea, they shall abandon their former Motions in the Heavens
And shall seek new Courses never before taken ...
Nothing new under the sun !!