posted on May, 9 2010 @ 07:44 AM
Every concept has an opposite to make itself valid. This is a basic understanding of culture. With God (obviously a concept like any other word) it
could only be the same. But God is a very complex and difficult concept to grasp or understand clearly, if not the most of all (reason for which
religion is so influential in the world of today - a world guided by concepts). So the best way to approach the concept of God, that is, the most
complex, is through its opposing concept, which logically would have to be the simplest. And that is Satan, the Enemy of God, persuader of all sins as
God is persuader of Justice.
Now let us analyze better the nature of Satan, this will hopefully make us see a flash of the nature of God, and perhaps somewhat of human history.
The word Satan comes from semitic roots, according to scholars, in which its meaning is related to "enemy" or "opposing factor". But it goes back
further than that in my researched and thoughtful opinion. It goes back to Sanscrit and is related to the word Sādhanā which literally would mean
something as "a means of accomplishing something", or "doing something in a special way".
(Just for curiosity, the way I related the word Sadhana to Satan was through portuguese, my mother language, in which Satanas is the word for satan
and both Sadhana and Satanas have the same intonation of syllables)
Sadhana means meditation, concentration of mind or intuitional practice according to Hindu philosophy, originated on the Vedas - thought to be older
than 5 thousands years old.
So taking a western look on it, one may understand sadhana as being the focus of individuality towards any object. The crucial point being the
intuitional factor, meaning knowledge that is independent of reason and authority. It seems complicated, but lets remember that this, as opposite to
God, is the simplest concept there is.
Concepts are made of other concepts. For example, a table is made of not only wood, but worked wood. The table has a surface and it has legs. So under
a superficial analysis, a table, quite a simple concept one would first think, is made of many many concepts such as wood, work, surface and legs. By
this you can realize how difficult it is to understand the nature of something as a complex as God.
So Satan is the most simple of all, as God is the most complex. If concepts are made by other concepts then the most simple of them is the one that
contains less concepts - or contains none other than itself. This is meditation, intuitional practice, concentration of mind, guided by no reason or
authority, sadhana, satan. No wonder he is the persuader of sin, when sin is nothing but ethical and moral confusion. With him there is no sin, no
morals, no ethics, no confusion. One would feel inclined to proclaim him evil, but no, he is empty, nothing but itself. God is the creator of all,
including evil and sin. God is the big complexity which contains all other concepts, the possible problem and possible solution.
So why is Satan blamed, avoided, persecuted? Conspiracy time!
The nature of evolution (at least in its present stage) is to go towards complexity - or God. Human beings are bound by the laws of evolution, and as
a consequence they also have to go towards complexity.
But this process or voyage towards the complex is only possible with the existence of pain (and pain can only exist because of pleasure). One may
verify this by observing nature and its struggles of individuals and species for survival. The strong survive, because they are better suited to bear
pain and to collect pleasure. The weak perish, giving up to pain or pain giving up on them (no pain, no will to collect pleasure, no will to collect
pleasure, no movement).
The pain humans have ti bear is the greatest of all, for they are the most evolved. And for them to keep existing and surviving, the pain has to grow
(so that they will for pleasure also grows and movement is succeeded). So its not an easy task for humans to keep their old patterns of evolution,
because each time they get more evolved the pain needs to become bigger for them to continue evolving.
Although the most evolved, we are still animals and thus conditioned to outside stimulus. If we put our hand in the fire we will instantly and
mechanically draw it away because it will be too much pain to bear at once. So there is a certain "limit" of pain that our bodies and minds are able
to bear without mechanically reacting and drawing themselves away. The "progress principle", which guides evolution, takes place in humans in the
stretching of the resistance of pain, or in other words, the control of the functions of body and mind.
Evolution has in its nature alliance and competitiveness, which can be seen more drastically in humans although it is wide spread through all the
flora and fauna. Conspiracy is the conscious conduction of both alliance and competitiveness in order to follow with evolution. Nothing more than a
fight for survival, but with strategy included. It is the way humans are destined to manifest evolution, if they still want to be human. I am sorry to
say, but one that is against conspiracies is nothing but weak and will have to perish as prey.
Obviously our ancestors didn't take long to realize this, or else we wouldn't be here. But our ancestor also made mistakes, as we do, and as any
other animal does, or is prone to do so under extreme circumstances (instincts deceive many prays as well as hunters). Our ancestors focused on
competitiveness rather than on alliance. This, of course, before we became the superior species, top of the food chain. At that point there was little
intra-special fight because the specie risked extinction. But time passed and with the focus on competitiveness we became the superior species, free
from the risk of being destroyed - but not of destroying itself.
After becoming the superior species we forgot about evolution and its laws altogether. All we wanted was to avoid pain and collect pleasure. There was
no more apparent need for a struggle, since no other specie would make us go extinct. But there was still one undiscovered super specie, hidden,
waiting to be conquered or to conquer. And that specie is the human specie. At that time we couldn't realize that we were able to completely destroy
ourselves entirely, we didn't have the atomic bomb. So the focus on competitiveness persisted as natural, and the focus on focus disregarded...until
today - when everyday could be our extinction.
One day, around 2000 years ago, someone stopped to think about exactly these same things. And they realized (not having the atomic bomb yet) how the
focus on competitiveness can make you collect more pleasure, perhaps even avoid pain. They didn't know about the laws of evolution, only of pleasure
and pain - they thought it was the same thing, failing to realize the conceptual dependency of pleasure and pain in relation to evolution).
Of course, this someone that stopped to think was someone that had the habit of thinking (as I do). And this habit makes one search for knowledge
everywhere, in distant lands and in great informational archives. So this someone came to know the Vedas and the power of its knowledge. There they
found about sadhana and accordingly had a competitive idea.
As they understood, this sadhana was the method for gaining knowledge alternative to logical means. The knowledge coming from sadhana is from outside
of the world of reason and concepts - transcendental. Its the connection with the biggest mystery, the most complex concept, beyond all rational
capability - God.
[edit on 9-5-2010 by Geladinhu]
Continues... And thank you guys who posted for not being patient enough, now the thread will be breaked. This is good. Seriously, who doesn't like a
[edit on 9-5-2010 by Geladinhu]