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Is size relative in close to infinite degrees?

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posted on May, 9 2010 @ 03:18 AM
(Mods if this is in the wrong section, sorry. I wont be mad if you move it.)
The multidimensional multiversal quantum consciousness is GOD. We are part of this multidimensional quantum universe. We are made from it. It created us to view its self. GOD is all around you! Every atom connects infinitely. It gives us free will but knows of our souls and their doings. It sends us to the dimension we belong after this test called "earth". We can ascend into a higher state if we chose moral love or into a lower state if we descend and chose hate/evil.

Put your thumb and index finger together. If you go deep enough in the smallness of space, your fingers are not even touching. How deep does it go into smallness? Infinitely?
some one answer me this, Is space in close to infinite degrees relative like time. You cant destroy the space your in! Imagine a alien could have been in the same place you are in 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 years ago. We are traveling to a black hole. Going 50000 miles per hour through space on our space ship called earth. Mater has just imploded and exploded over and over again for infinity. Infinite universe exploding going towered infinite black holes. Them getting sucked in then getting so compact they burst and explode out. This going on infinitely. The space around you has always been. Its infinite. You cant destroy space.

The mater that's around you has always been and is also infinite. It just changes form.

So here is my above so, below? Is space relative in close to infinite degrees. Time is relative. Do we have universes that go into universes, infinity?

The size of the human brain is the right size for thinking on this plain of existence, but would the brain size be relative in close to infinite degrees into smallness?
The question I'm asking, is space in close to infinite degrees going in on its self relative? Is there ever a end? Or is it infinite? Do atoms eventually have atoms? As above, so below?

mod edit: removed excessive "000"s skewing page view]

[edit on 9-5-2010 by Theone2000]

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 04:18 AM
[mod edit: removed unnecessary quote of entire opening post]

Praise our lord GOD.
Respect every living thing that is of goodness, as we are living with GOD experiencing its self. Be kind to animals, and those below you on the consciousness level. Would you like for aliens to treat us the way we treat our chicken population.
Scientists if not working on building weapons could all come together and make meat that tastes like meat that is artificial. GOD throws the evil ones into the abyss, not wanting to experience them again. GOD is simplistic moral love.
But yea someone answer my question. How small can it get? Do atoms have atoms eventually?

[edit on 9-5-2010 by Theone2000]

[edit on 9-5-2010 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 05:22 AM
Come on someone has the answer?

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 05:47 AM

Originally posted by Theone2000
Do atoms have atoms eventually?

All atoms are made of smaller particles (protons, neutrons and electrons). These, in turn, are made up of even smaller particles like quarks and such. They're all called sub-atomic particles.

Is space made up of a something or is it the absence of anything.

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 06:02 AM

Originally posted by pieman

Originally posted by Theone2000
Do atoms have atoms eventually?

All atoms are made of smaller particles (protons, neutrons and electrons). These, in turn, are made up of even smaller particles like quarks and such. They're all called sub-atomic particles.

Is space made up of a something or is it the absence of anything.

Yes, atoms are made up of protons, neurons, electrons and then quarks.

What if it then went even smaller than quarks, and all the rest the nitty gritty till it had atoms again... where it starting all over again. Atoms having atoms, infinitely. Can this be scientifically unproven?

There being a end...would be string theory. Is string theory, not just a theory that every one holds as the truth? Even though, there is no real scientific way to tell that it is a true theory, as no microscope, or any human instrument can see that far.

Would you agree that the space that is not occupied, is a infinite essence.
It has always been there regardless of it being occupied or not. Would you agree, there is no such thing as nothing. GOD BLESS!

[edit on 9-5-2010 by Theone2000]


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