reply to post by LightofLiberty
I can only confirm a similar set of coincidences from my own life.
I was raised a USAF brat, and tested at an early age. I cannot confirm the entirety of those tests and/or results because I was around four years of
age when they were given. My father worked with sensitive information over the years and does not broach the subject with me. My mother, is
completely clueless to any testing outside of an standardized I.Q. test administered at that time.
As a child, I used to sense "presences" in my room. Four white beings with the standard watchful gaze, no discernable facial features and whom
sometimes emitted a soft white glow about them.
When I reached the age of 17, I experienced a psychotic break. It began with intense feelings of "otherness" and then escalated into a full blown
break from reality. It took me two months to recover in a theraputic environment, and I was released without any official diagnosis.
At the age of 24, I had another systematic break and was subsequently diagnosed as Schizoaffective Bi-Polar Type.
Within a year of getting an "official diagnosis" I found my way onto the internet in search of answers for some of my delusional/manic experiences,
and somehow found myself surrounded by a flood of information on Mind Control, MKULTRA, Project Monarch, and so forth.
I don't recall what lead me to explore those particular avenues, but I remember finding and absorbing information as if I was in a some sort of a
trance-like state.
Since then, I have had powerful dreams of meeting alien beings, as well as a host of visual and aural phenomenon I cannot simply write off as a
"chemical imbalance".
Waking from these dreams yield what I can best describe as a rush of information and positive emotion.
I'm still searching for answers, but going is very slow as the past few years I've ascertained that the majority of information I've come across on
MK subjects tends to be full of triggers. I'm getting better at blocking them over the years.
*edit - (to add)
If you don't mind me asking, how long was it between your test taking and this initial euphoric event?
[edit on 5/9/10 by GENERAL EYES]