posted on May, 8 2010 @ 02:56 AM
I personally don't think that what this guy is talking about is going to hold water.
I did come across this somewhere:
It has come to my attention that:
- Whereas banks can afford liabilities nine times the amount of their assets, due to customer demands being typically less than deposits held;
- And knowing the above, that the banks operate under fractional reserve banking practices to loan out money exceeding quantity they actually
- That the money loaned is created out of nothing, and is not the product of labor, exchange, or savings, but is newly created money evidenced only by
bookkeeping entry and then introduced into circulation;
- That the value of this money, if described as a “loan,” is only in the sense that it can be exchanged for services or goods provided by the
community, but being paper, checkbook, or digital money is of negligible intrinsic value;
- That according to the United States Constitution, lawful money is defined as gold or silver coin;
- That the bank is counterfeiting currency by making claims of “money” or “legal tender” without the use of silver or gold;
- Therefore that the bank offered no tangible consideration of its own possession, either in services, materials, or lawful money;
- And because the loans of the bank, whatever the amounts, in reality represent no loss of assets of any tangible value possessed by the loaning
institution, and thusly the loans constitute an illegitimate fraud;
- Further, that according to law, a contract not offering consideration from both parties is null and void;
- And having engaged in contract to provide consideration to the borrower, is in breach of contract to deliver lawful money;
- Further, that because the banking system creates the principal but not the interest money, and therefore repayment of previous loans made by the
banking system is collectively impossible;
- That contracts that are impossible to be fulfilled cannot be enforced by law;
- Failure to disclose these material facts constitutes fraudulent inducement;
Therefore I hereby repudiate any alleged debt owed to said institution or representative of.