reply to post by deltaalphanovember
If you ask me I wish South Africa would take back a lot of the whites that ran away after the end of apartheid. I don't know how many escaped to
other countries but here in Oz we have a lot. Not all, but quite a lot of them really give me the heebies.
The ones I have to deal with at work have some views that I really don't like. They tone it down when I am around but still they just cannot abide
not making little snide jibes at those they feel inferior.
The whites there have really bought any problems they have on themselves. From what I know the blacks don't even really care now they have the
country back. There big concern is the crime and problems that go on in their everyday life, not fighting with whites and making more trouble.
Now the whites are pissed because the blacks don't want to dominate them and generally have let them live in peace.
Yes I am aware of some attacks against whites, but in that country you are still in more danger being a poor black person than a white. The place has
some real problems and the lack of justice and empathy, even for their own people is completely shocking when you look into it.
The police will rarely come to investigate a crime.
You go to them and pay them to investigate.
If the criminal bribes better they will go free.
Armed militias generally are the first responders to reports of crime.
Mob justice is swift and brutal and includes stoning followed by burning.
One of the most disturbingly ironic facts is that there exists the Boer separatist movement, of which the horrible Mr. Terreblanche was a leader, that
wants a separate homeland in South Africa for the exclusive use of whites. How would that fly in the countries the Boers originally came from I
Anyway enough of my diatribe against that horrible man, and all the best for the new South Africa, I just hope they don't blow it.
It would lead to some of the worst ideology and epithets against a race I could imagine. Especially if too many white tourists fall foul of locals
during the World Cup.
Here is some of an interview the despicable man did with one Louis Theroux
Sorry for the vent DAN