posted on May, 7 2010 @ 11:45 PM
Humans are benevolent only to the extent of their self interest. When it's not in their immediate or perceived self interest they will oppose. When
it serves their self or appears to serve their self interest they are benevolent. This is why it's so important to the NWO to always cultivate a
"perceived" self interest. This is why Obama smiles, talks positive, hopeful, supportive. Why 9/11 becomes a mission to protect us, etc.. This is
why the play always appears to be for the good.
Humans also run in ruts. This is why good upbringing and guidance and a good social direction is valuable.
Ultimately humans will act out their dominant karma and as it is exhausted, then the next dominant karma, previously dormant, will become kinetic.
This is one reason a "sinner" can become a saint and an apparently virtuous person can become degraded. However, "like attracts like in the realm
of the mind", good associations will incline a person upwards. Bad associations will incline them downwards. So, who a person associates with is
very significant. This including ideas, audio, video, food, etc..