posted on Jun, 12 2004 @ 09:03 AM
LOL.....I guess there is more than just a large expanse of water between us.
I'm a Mod. I was just wondering if there was any other Mods present.
In my post there is a list of music associated with the Modernist movement circa 57 - 65
and a reference to the fact that the whole scene went through a revival around 79 - 80.
Even though in my opinion the music generated in the revival period wasn't quite up to the standard of the originals. There are of course a few
exceptions, most notably the whole two tone genre that was a product of mashing together the old Ska of Prince Buster et al with the modern up and
coming white punk styled angst of the late 70's.
The result was the Bodysnatchers, Selecter, The Specials etc etc. Oh and there was quite a good bunch of white soul revivalists as well, the stand
out act being Secret Affair.
Somewhere on the Photo's page, around page 26 I think, is a photo of me as a Revival Mod. The style is based around the Sixties Modernists but was a
little more street than the refined italian styled originals. These days I'm much more of a sixties Modernist than a revival Mod.
There, make any sense now?