posted on May, 7 2010 @ 05:45 AM
I think that Nick Clegg's statement concerning 'national interests' was genuine and of primary importance to the UK in terms of our current
malaise. Every aspect of British society and administration needs reform, let alone the voting system which became rather an embarrassing spectacle
last night. Regardless of the fact that nay-sayers will indicate that people had 'plenty of time to vote' and shouldn't have left it to the last
minute, the fact is we were presented with scenes that are redolent of third world politics.
I think that a Conservative government effectively moderated on key decisions would actually be a good thing, providing that Cameron and Clegg
maintain decorum and a business-like approach without resorting to petty party politics.
This has been mooted for many years; complaints about the 2-party system abound and yet here we may have the circumstances that produce an effective
way forward. Key to all of this is a demonstrably clear and strong leadership.
Just because decisions must be clear and strong in their delivery, does not mean they should not be debated and moderated in the interests of the UK
rather than just in the context of any political bias.
I think that a Conservative/LibDem working alliance on crucial matters will be good for the country, producing an inclusive government and some
moderation of fundamental issues that should not necessarily be make or break (i.e. electoral reform).
I cannot help but feel uplifted by Nick Clegg's statement this morning and I really believe that this could pave the way for a bright new future. I
just hope that people can get behind it and believe that something can be achieved for the benefit of the nation rather than partisan politics.
[edit on 7-5-2010 by SugarCube] - Up all night watching the election so I'm a bit shaky with the typing :-)
[edit on 7-5-2010 by SugarCube]