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My Infinite Philosophy (Grade A material)

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posted on May, 6 2010 @ 11:09 AM
Disclaimer: Wait! Before reading on... To whom unfruitful it does concern: Keep your mind made up if you dare concerning me and my threads.

My Infinite Philosophy (Class A material)

Individuality goes into for ever the free state of getting rich! Getting rich in what?

In no particular order:

1. Understanding.
2. Perceiving.
3. Creating.
4. Wisdom.

Individuality counts on these things to form whatever of a grand crafting of infinite precision. And individuality, both, steals from these things as a thief and recieves these things which befall into good ground. Good ground equal the mind. There be people that dwell that do not use their mind because they can not because they have become unfruitful. Those are they by the wayside which the for ever falling infinite riches do not befall to. The blind are they that can not perceive. The dull of hearing are they that can not understand. The stupid are they that hold no wisdom. The brokened are they that can not create. The unfruitful were never faithful and true from the beginning. Those that fear have no sleep day or night. Those that lack the four things listed simply stay in captivity where a double-edged sword of the Mouth of mouths keeps the way and do inflict much hurt. What kind of hurt? I'm talking immeasureable hurt since the infinite rule.

You that are not able to understand, but are into knowledge, can only relie on a finite dictionary as a source of a short truth. But we which use our infinite minds have more insight than a dictionary may offer. And so it would always be that the finite-minded hate the infinite-minded. Am I ever lying on these matters? No. Does jealousy not wail and cry out? The infinite remains better than the finite. "See if you don't brag, then I wont brag. I know I'm bad as long as I know I'm bad."-Eminem You all better believe I relate with that song called "Jimmy Crack Corn" by Eminem feat. 50 Cent.

Are there any further riches beside the four I listed? Anyone with anything fruitful to add to the topic in what it is about? Feel free to add. But you which always would talk about how a topic is written or talk about the thread starter, need not type out anything against a double-edged sword you can do nothing but only fear. Don't try. Don't test. For if you do you will be prooving my point that you are of the wicked one and are unfruitful. I'd rather be put on your ignore list than ever be in your day dreams where I'm sure only there is some kind of torturing me in where you have it getting to me. Ha. In your day dreams I bet I am daily.

[edit on 6-5-2010 by Tormentations]

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 11:16 AM
Don't you think our experience is for us to learn how to express our individuality from an infinite perspective? So that we could build a new heaven in a way.

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 11:18 AM
reply to post by Tormentations

Hey a thread from you with no calls to violence, or prophecies! You still think you are something to be feared though. Why? In your infinite knowledge you should know that isn't true.

So, "Mouth of mouths" (that cracked me up) you say there are four riches. You missed the biggest one:


posted on May, 6 2010 @ 11:27 AM
what about communication? and love?

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by onequestion
Don't you think our experience is for us to learn how to express our individuality from an infinite perspective? So that we could build a new heaven in a way.


New heaven and new earth are found of infinite mind. And in them the infinite do build further more. For we have the infinite itself to build new and further things into. The infinite is open and welcoming any sort of new and improvised versions of buildings.

An infinite mind is your God's playground. In it you are a member of your God. God doesn't stand alone. God is not a one person being, there are many Gods of few to many members that make each God bodies of own different marriages. The infinite itself says so. There really is no limit in the infinite. But there should be one Lord of lords out of all the Gods there are so that there will never be a chance of choas in the infinite.

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 11:37 AM
In all honesty, this thread clearly indicates that the author processes none of the qualities on the list of "riches". Unfortunate, but true.

Have you performed a hair analysis yet for heavy-metal toxicity yet? Seriously, get it checked out.

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by adkchamp
what about communication? and love?

Why settle for just love? Why not esctasy to sum up more than meets the eye in the exciting emotions department?

Communication can be said to be the befallen act itself of things from the infinite itself.

[edit on 6-5-2010 by Tormentations]

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by Captain_Sense
In all honesty, this thread clearly indicates that the author processes none of the qualities on the list of "riches". Unfortunate, but true.

Have you performed a hair analysis yet for heavy-metal toxicity yet? Seriously, get it checked out.

You only prove the points about how jealousy wails and crys out. And my point about how the wicked will make it about the thread starter.

Do you even understand your self? Explain your understanding of your self, or else move along.

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 01:15 PM
Whatever can not be measured the finite hate. What can be measured can be blocked and put with restrictions to futher make the measured more unfruitful. The finite love only what can be measured. Therefore the infinite remains free since it has no limit and can never be measured. The only thing of it which can be grasped with understanding is that the infinite is immeasureable.

I am INFINITE. And I strongly like it! For the infinite remains an outlaw immortal.

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 07:01 PM
Something you are forgetting. What is within all of us is infinite, not just you. Anyone that has an understanding of what it is to be spiritual would know this.

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