posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 06:34 AM
1st of all i live 30 miles south of downtown Chicago.
last night i had a very similar and very detailed dream where i was at an old friend's house and we heard of impending attacks so we went upstairs
and outside (kinda like us crazy people in the mid-west do for tornadoes) to see what was happening. Soon after we got outside we saw a very large
expanse of light and smoke from the south, very far away, so far that the explosion had to be be huge to see it from that distance. a couple seconds
later we saw what looked like a missile hit Chicago. the fireball was massive and i even felt a very strong heat wave in my dream, which sent us
fleeing to the basement of a a typical south side quad level home. when we got down there everyone appeared to have a very serious sunburn, which was
very painful (i actually still felt sun burnt for a short time after waking up and i don't have any sunburn nor have i been in the sun). At that
point the temperature in the basement, which had been very cool when we first got down there, start heating up very quickly and soon it felt like it
was approaching 90 degree F. my best friend then walked up to me handing me a color chart which we compared to the sunburn and it indicated we had
radiation poisoning, very bad radiation poisoning. i asked the old friend if she per chance had another level under the one we were standing on,
which i knew there wasn't because quad level homes out here aren't built like that, they're only 2.5 stories tall with the levels terraced on
opposing sides. at this point i was so terrified that i actually convinced myself this can't be reality and i woke myself out of a sound sleep.
i admit, i often have post-apocalyptic dreams, but this is the first time i had a dream of the actual event. most of my dreams are very vivid, but
this one was particularly interesting in all the temperature sensations and the feeling of a massive sun burn that lasted even after i was awake. i
hope i didn't bore anyone, i'm having trouble sleeping now because of this. i'm 33 years old, college educated and unemployed. about two weeks
ago i had another terrifying dream where my dad called me and told me my mom passed away during a chemotherapy session, i woke up screaming "no"
with tears in my eyes. i went almost 2 weeks with no sleep after that dream. i seriously need to go see a doctor for a xanax script, otherwise i'm
never gonna sleep again.
I'd really appreciate if a few of you would respond to this as i want to discuss it more to get it off my chest and compare details. -thnx nate