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Another "coincidence" regarding 9/11 - This one REALLY got to me somehow ... (Video)

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posted on May, 4 2010 @ 04:04 PM
I have recently watched a video linked in another thread, that has stayed with me for the last couple of days, even haunting my dreams. I can't explain why, but when I saw this the first time, it really got to me. In a way, that none of the numerous other, amazing coincidences surrounding that date, have. The situation this takes place in and the in-your-face nature of it makes me cringe, still.

I am referring to the classroom photo opportunity during the attack on the twin towers.

I am sure most of you are familiar with that scene. It has been "dissected" numerous times, most notably by Michael Moore, and until recently, I thought I had "seen it all" regarding that scene. Then I saw what happened the minute before Bush Jr. allegedly got informed about a second plane hitting the towers.

The Video starts with the last cluster of words in the children's reading exercise.

To sum it up: The president sits in a classroom, on the most important day in recent history, while planes hit the tallest steel buildings in New York city, and the children, seconds before he learns of the second plane hitting the towers, practice reading the words kite, hit, steel, plane, must.

We have, at least, a very unnerving and downright creepy coincidence caught on tape. There are numerous conspiratorial and non-conspiratorial views to look at explanations for this, all of which I want to leave open for a healthy discussion at this point.

So, like I said, this somehow really got to me, and I couldn't get those children's voices out of my head. I had to convince myself this was just a coincidence and there was no evil plot behind this using the innocent children in some sort of sick joke or ritual. So I focused on the word that seems out of place: kite

A youtuber commented, that this might allude to the theory that remotely controlled planes might have been used to pull of the highly complicated maneuvers. A kite being an airborne object controlled from the ground and all.

This did not satisfy my curiosity so first I hit up wikipedia.

My eyes immediately became stuck on the "military applications" and what I read next, let's just say it didn't help me get over all of this...

According to Samguk Sagi, in 637, Kim Yu-sin, a Korean general of Silla rallied his troops to defeat rebels by lofting a kite with a straw man which looked like a burning ball flying to the sky.

Russian chronicles mention prince Oleg of Novgorod use kites during the siege of Constantinople in 906 A.D.: "and he crafted horses and men of paper, armed and gilded, and lifted them into the air over the city; the Greeks saw them and feared".

So we have two historical instances of kites being used militarily, to either "rally the troops" or facilitate fear in the minds of the enemy. Sounds familiar? Creating fear in the public and rallying the troops might be the two most "desirable" aspects of the aftermath of the attacks. I think it is not that far a leap, considering military involvement is very likely if you are in the "made-it-happen" camp, to use these historical military tales to further fuel the magnitude of this coincidence.

posted on May, 4 2010 @ 04:09 PM
But it doesn't stop there, if we move over to the "cultural uses" section, we find this piece of information.

In Afghanistan, kite flying is the most popular game of Asia, and is known in Dari as Gudiparan Bazi. Some kite fighters pass their strings through a mixture of ground glass powder and glue. The resulting strings are very abrasive and can sever the competitor's strings more easily. The abrasive strings can also injure people. During the Taliban rule in Afghanistan, kite flying was banned, among various other recreations.

So, the official culprits of the attacks, banned the vast and historically established kite tradition in Afghanistan, the first country invaded by using the "war on terror" pretext.

Considering this has now become the plot of a major, widely acclaimed motion picture in form of "The Kite Runner" ( you get the picture that this was something major for the people of Afghanistan, not just some small, local tradition without any broader significance.

I have a lot more to say on the additional symbolism that can be found but my browser already crashed on me shortly before finishing the first draft of this post, so I will leave further analysis to you for now. I will chime in from time to time if/once this discussion takes of.

If this needs to be moved to "Skunk Works" or another forum, I apologize. I just needed to get this off my chest immediately, as I am eager to hear what other members have to say about this.

Please discuss and feel free to ask questions.

[edit on 4-5-2010 by catfishman]

posted on May, 4 2010 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by catfishman

You don't think you are doing an itsy witsy bit of reaching here ?

posted on May, 4 2010 @ 04:26 PM
Of course I do, maybe even a lot of it. But I guess this sort of comes with the territory, don't you think.

Anyway I found it interesting to see what comes up just by reading wikipedia for 5 minutes after being curious of the seemingly out-of-place "kite" in the "plane must hit steel" word group, which, I think even you must agree, is very odd, in the true sense of the word.

posted on May, 4 2010 @ 05:06 PM
The entire scene seemed scripted to me. Bush looked nervous before Andrew Card tells him about the second plane hitting the WTC. Maybe he was just uncomfortable around so many black children.
Why he stayed in the school long after the attacks had commenced is one of those mysteries that needs explaining. His trip was publicized and anyone who wanted to attack the president knew where he would be. This act endangered the lives of all the children and the faculty there. That's another reason I believe that 9/11 was a false flag. He knew there was no need to hurry out, he was never a target.

posted on May, 4 2010 @ 05:16 PM
Thats a good point. The whole scene seemed surreal and the fact that it was televised makes it a "sure thing" that it had been thoroughly planned in advance, like the rest.

You also have to realize that, if this is the case, the curriculum of that day could have been and most likely was handed to the teacher days before.

posted on May, 4 2010 @ 05:21 PM
reply to post by catfishman

That is just bizarre! Maybe that explains the sheepish grin on Bush's face the whole time.

posted on May, 4 2010 @ 06:07 PM
Very strange they were practising those words IMO. I've never seen that video before. In fact, just watching that made me wonder why he's sitting there anyway? He doesn't look very interested at all, it's like he's passing the time or waiting.
But those words... wow... very strange. It's probably nothing, just a coincidence, but isn't life weird when we can make patterns out of it like that? Get more of what you focus on I mean.

posted on May, 4 2010 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by catfishman

Airplanes made mostly of aluminum. There is very little steel in airplanes. It does strike me as a "strange coincidence" however.

posted on May, 4 2010 @ 06:41 PM
truthquest, planes could be made out of plastic for the sake of this argument, the thing is they hit a lot of steel that day.

As for the "pattern recognition", I don't think it takes that much to see the pattern in this case. The problem is, even if there was full disclosure someday as to what really happened, if this was staged and the teacher was ordered to teach those words, there is no need in revealing such a minute detail along with the rest of the disclosure, so I guess, even in the best case, we'll never know and always have to assume those things are coincidence.

Bush's strange, distant behavior is fully explained by the official story. He told the press he watched the first plane hit on TV just before entering the classroom. Of course that opens a whole new can of worms considering the impact of the first plane had not been shown yet anywhere. So this might have been a badly improvised explanation for his strange behavior, since you would have to ask yourself if he was psychic the way he acted had he not known at this point.

At least this way we learn, time and time again, that truth will always be stranger than fiction.

Edit for spelling and additional thoughts.

[edit on 4-5-2010 by catfishman]

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 09:37 AM

Originally posted by catfishman
Of course I do, maybe even a lot of it. But I guess this sort of comes with the territory, don't you think.

This is the point I've been tryign to make since day one, exactly. If people are of a mind that there absolutely poisitively had to be some secret gov't plot behind the 9/11 attack, then they're going to be deliberately connecting the dots in the way they want them to be connnected, to the point where they even think children reading a book are part of this false flag operation to take over the world.

The 9/11 atttack is all just some great big Rorschach test to the conspiracy people. The longer they stare at it, the more they're going to see what they want to see in it. Little wonder why person A looks at the WTC collapse and thinks, "controlled demolitions" while person B looks at the WTC collapse and thinks, "lasers from outer space".

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 09:47 AM

Originally posted by Alfie1
reply to post by catfishman

You don't think you are doing an itsy witsy bit of reaching here ?

You are being way too polite. I think it is more like being delusional, or maybe he's just trolling for flags.

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by truthquest
reply to post by catfishman

Airplanes made mostly of aluminum. There is very little steel in airplanes. It does strike me as a "strange coincidence" however.

I understood the "steel" as "steal", as in the planes were stolen/hijacked.

[edit on 6/5/10 by Nventual]

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 09:56 AM
Well there you have it. Now the teacher has PROVEN to be in on it too, and the kids. And we finally have the ABSOLUTE 100% PROOF that no planes hit any buildings, they were really kites. Finally, the SMOKING GUN EVIDENCE we've been searching for.

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 10:20 AM
This is one of the most bizzare scenes I've ever witnessed from a president.

His demeanor and lack of action after his guy comes in and whispers in his ear, leaves me with no doubt that he knew and this was staged.

Lets not forget that the story that they read is about a 'goat' and Bush is holding his book upside down. Factor this in with all the other words mentioned and the odds of this being a coincidence are too high for me to believe. Again, the truth here is stranger than a bizzare conspiracy theory on AboveTopSecret. I can't help but believe that this was ritualistic.

It's sick, twisted, and downright pathetic. The time for these 'people' to go on with their agenda will hopefully come to an end very soon.

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by shasta9600
This is one of the most bizzare scenes I've ever witnessed from a president.

His demeanor and lack of action after his guy comes in and whispers in his ear, leaves me with no doubt that he knew and this was staged.

No, actually, this is another, "Rorschach" moment where you're seeing what you yourself want to see here. When I look at him, I see a guy who looks like a deer caught in a car's headlights, thinking, "oh, S**T I messed up yet again!"

Granted, I can admit this is a "rorschach" moment for myself too, as I have a general disgust over the rampant incompetence of our elected officials. That said, I can at least provide plenty of proven examples of rampant incompetence among our elected officials. Can you provide even ONE proven example where gov't officials were able to plant secret controlled demolitions in an occupied skyscraper without anyone noticing?

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 12:51 PM

Bush is holding his book upside down.

...and such man was your president?

don't you think ATS has problem lately?

Staff? FBI? CIA? please...moderate correctly, do not scare people, ey?

I see a guy who looks like a deer caught in a car's headlights, thinking, "oh, S**T I messed up yet again!"

i see a guy with counter in his head(vide Development Fund for Iraq).

[edit on 6-5-2010 by potential_problem]

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 05:54 AM
Text Black I find it amazing and what you tied together with 911 and The Kite Runner. I am reasearching the book the kite runner and symbolism and it came to my attention do you think his book upside down was a message to others that America is in Distress ?
Putting a flag upside down is a sign of distress and I am wondering if the book may have been a symbolism for a message to others waiting for a reponse from President Bush. I do not think he had a book upside on accident.

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